127: The Culprit

As Eric and Calvin approached Enermig, the once busy hub of business now stood eerily silent, its doors sealed shut and its windows darkened. A obvious tension hung in the air as they surveyed the scene, as boldness swept within them despite the daunting task ahead.

Dressed in meticulously crafted police uniforms, Eric and Calvin blended seamlessly into their surroundings, their attire a guise to conceal their true intentions. With the massive sign declaring "No Entry" looming overhead and police officers stationed at every entrance, their plan seemed perilous at best. Yet, they were unfazed, fueled by a relentless drive to uncover the truth behind Maria Bolton's deceit.

As they approached the guarded entrance, Eric's mind raced with strategies to outmaneuver the vigilant officers.

With practiced precision, he adopted the authoritative demeanor of a seasoned law enforcement officer, his gaze steely and unwavering.

"Excuse me, gentlemen," Eric addressed the officers with a confident t
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