The Overpowered Son-in-law

5 ratings

The Overpowered Son-in-law

By: Jericho Chase CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 140 views: 38.1K

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The grand hall of the Phoenix family estate was filled with people, all waiting with baited breath for the arrival of the exiled grandson. Finally, the doors at the far end of the room swung open and the crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Nicholas strode confidently into the room. He was tall and mysterious, with an air of authority that overwhelmed everyone present. He wore a diamond encrusted face mask which only had two openings revealing his piercing blue eyes. His dark hair was styled in a sleek, modern cut, and he wore a tailored suit that showed off his broad shoulders and athletic build. As he made his way through the crowd, people reached out to touch him, as if to confirm that he was real. He was Lord Fitzpatrick favorite grandson, returned from exile after three years of being away from his family and his home. The family conference meeting was held in the grand dining hall of the family's estate. The tables and chairs had been pushed to the sides of the room, leaving a clear space in the center. The entire family, including his parents, aunts, uncles, stepmother's, concubines and cousins, had gathered and were now kneeling on the ground, their heads bowed in shame. Nicholas stood in the center of the room, looking down at his family with a mixture of shock and confusion. He had been falsely accused of poisoning his late grandfather and had been shunned by his family for three years. These people bowing before him were the ones who casted him away, made him an outsider. Now he was going to be their Lord and master. At the front of the room, The family's patriarch, his father stepped forward and knelt down on the floor. "Welcome home, our Lord."

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  • Toronsco Emmanuel


    good and interesting

    2023-07-31 15:34:05
  • Toronsco Emmanuel


    good and interesting

    2023-07-31 15:32:21
  • Laurie Ball


    This book has a good story line.

    2023-07-11 16:05:51
  • Rachel


    It will be more interesting if you guys make it audio

    2023-06-03 23:47:59
  • Victorex


    Nice story.

    2023-04-18 16:12:22
Latest Chapter
140 chapters
The Trashy son-in-law
"You piece of trash," Lady Carla growled, throwing a pair of dirty socks at Nicholas's face. "Your whole existence in this family pisses me off more than anything."Nicholas took the socks off his face and lowered his head. He held a basket of dirty clothes under his arm. He was about doing the laundry when Lady Carla stormed in and began raising hell. Lady Carla gritted her teeth, her back stiff with rage and contempt. "You're useless Nicholas. Why? Why have you chosen to bring disgrace and shame to my family?"Kimberly whom had been standing by and watching the scene all these while, finally intervened. "That's enough, mother."Lady Carla turned to her and pointed an accusing finger at Kimberly. "This is all your fault, Kim!"Kimberly looked surprised. "My fault?""If you hadn't married a loser like this trash you call a husband, I wouldn't hide my face in shame amongst other families."Kimberly took one glance at Nicholas then back to her mother. "I understand you mother but Nic
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I do not agree
A couple of days later, members of the Goldstein's family held an emergency meeting in the Goldstein's conference room at the Goldstein's Villa. Everyone was in attendance, starting from the head of the family, Sir Harold down to the least member of the family. Nicholas was the least member of the family. He sat at the doorway of the conference room on a low wooden stool. No one paid him any attention nor seek his opinion. As a matter of fact, he was a nuisance but Sir Harold's summon must be honoured by all members of the family. Beatrice, the eldest daughter of Sir Harold began by explaining the financial situation of the family and the solution that can save them. The family's business was crashing down so fast immediate actions must be taken out.The Blackwells were willing to aid them with twenty million dollars, more than enough money to save the business. In exchange, George must be married into the Goldstein's family. At the end of her speech, Beatrice returned back t
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Shut up and leave
"I don't agree to this!" Nicholas shouted. He had heard just about enough. It gave him no thrill to see members of the Goldstein family selling his wife off.As far as Nicholas was concerned, they were putting Kimberly up for sale. He cannot accept that. Everyone stared at him, shocked at his sudden outburst. Then they all burst into laughter. It was unthinkable of Nicholas to chip in on the family's conversation. His opinion didn't count. The conference hall echoed with more and more laughter. "You don't agree?" Jean mocked him. "Just who do you think you are?"Nicholas balled his hands in fist. "I don't agree to the Goldstein household's decision. My wife cannot marry George."Kimberly stiffened and gaped at Nicholas as he said those words. Why did he say that? What was he up to?"Shut up and seat down," lady Carla blasted at him. "Foolish man, must you disgrace me everywhere you go?""Who allowed this pauper here in the first place?" Sir Harold demanded, turning to Kimberly. "
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The phone call
Kimberly teared up. Why does she have to be so unfortunate.Why?Ever since she got married to this loser her grandmother picked for her, her life has been nothing but misery. He was nothing. A garbage for a husband. A disgrace that never should have happened. He wasn't supposed to voice his opinion on matters as urgent as this and yet here he was disgracing her and her parents. She wished Nicholas could just keep quiet and accept reality but he was surprisingly stubborn. Why was he so adamant when there was little to nothing he could do to stop her from marrying George. George was the saviour of her family. Without the Blackwells help, the Goldstein family would crumble. There was no reason for Nicholas to act up. Actually, there's nothing he could do to change that. She couldn't take it anymore and decided to shut him up herself. That way, he would leave the family meeting and allow her to do things her way. She was trapped and she knew it. There was no other person in the f
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An outsider is called back home
Three years ago, Lord Fitzpatrick Phoenix, head of the Phoenix family was poisoned at a gala event. He was admitted into a foreign hospital and was unconscious for days. The gala event was hosted by no other person but his favorite grandson, Nicholas. Nicholas had no idea about the poison but since he was the host of the gala, all accusing fingers fell on him. He was falsely accused by his family for poisoning Lord Fitzpatrick. A family trial was held to settle this issue. Due to their reputation, the Phoenix family chose not to involve the media nor the police.Since Lord Fitzpatrick wasn't dead but unconscious, it was easier to resolve things without the outside world knowing. Nicholas was brought up before his family to defend himself over the allegations charged at him. "I didn't do it," Nicholas defended himself. "You all know me. I can never poison my grandfather. I love and respect him to do such evil to him.""Shut up!" Nicholas uncle, Alfred snapped. "You're the host
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The pickup
Nicholas wasn't entirely convinced everything Edgar told him was the truth. He was determined to find out for himself. It wouldn't be funny if he returns back home and this whole thing winds up being a prank. It could mean his death. As an outsider, returning home from exile without a formal announcement, is a taboo. The punishment is certain death. Although he trusted Edgar because Edgar wasn't the type to make jokes. To make fun of Lord Fitzpatrick name is punishable by death. Edgar wouldn't take that risk over a prank or joke. However, to be on the safe side, if he must return back to his family, he must first be sure to confirm. That night, while everyone was fast asleep, Nicholas sneaked out into the cold night and placed a call to Edgar. Edgar answered the call as if he had been waiting by the telephone all these while. "Hello, Edgar," Nicholas said, his voice heavy with exhaustion."My lord, please, please tell me where you are," Edgar begged on the other end of the li
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Lord Dominik Niklaus
The grand hall of the Phoenix family estate was filled with people, all waiting with baited breath for the arrival of the exiled grandson. Finally, the doors at the far end of the room swung open and the crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Nicholas strode confidently into the room.He was tall and mysterious, with an air of authority that overwhelmed everyone present. He wore a diamond encrusted face mask which only had two openings revealing his piercing blue eyes. His dark hair was styled in a sleek, modern cut, and he wore a tailored suit that showed off his broad shoulders and athletic build.As he made his way through the crowd, people reached out to touch him, as if to confirm that he was real. He was Lord Fitzpatrick favorite grandson, returned from exile after three years of being away from his family and his home.The family conference meeting was held in the grand dining hall of the family's estate. The tables and chairs had been pushed to the sides of the room,
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George Blackwell
Kimberly turned to him. "Where have you been, Nic? We've been looking for you all day."Nicholas hated to see no remorse nor guilt written on her face. She seemed relaxed and at ease. He demanded. "What is he doing here?"George chuckled, a smarmy grin spreading across his face. "Ah, if it isn't Nicholas, the trashy son-in-law. I'm glad you could join us. I was just showering your wife with gifts, as any man should do for the woman he loves."Nicholas eyes narrowed. "You stay away from my wife," he growled.Kimberly stood up, her hands shaking. "Nic, I have something to tell you. I've filed for a divorce."Nicholas froze. He had only been gone for two days and now she's already filed for divorce?Kimberly continued. "George has offered to compensate you with a million dollars."Nicholas heart broke at Kimberly's words. He knew she had been driven to this point, because of her family's decision. They must've treated her so poorly that she felt she had no other choice but to leave h
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The task
"You've ruined us," Lady Carla shrieked, beating Nicholas with her fists. "You will be the end of us."She was being restrained by Master Damian while Nicholas tried to get away from her. Somehow, Lady Carla and Master Damian had managed to curb the situation by soothing George's anger. George had returned back into the house and was now seated beside Kimberly once again. Kimberly did her best to keep him in a good mood by teasing him and cracking jokes. It worked and George was once again returned to being the ugly jolly fellow he was ten minutes ago before the storm. Inorder to punish Nicholas, Lady Carla kicked him out of the villa into the freezing cold outside the backyard. "You will remain outside until morning, you piece of trash," she yelled and slammed the door, locking it from inside. Nicholas stood to his feet and dusted his shabby clothes. He walked around the villa to the front door where he peeked through the window. In the cozy living room, he saw his wife and
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Challenge accepted
"I will go, Father," Nicholas said confidently. "I have always been eager to prove myself and serve the family."The conference hall was quiet for sometime. Then everyone burst into uncontrollable laughter. Nicholas didn't falter. He stood tall and less bothered. "Will you keep quiet?" Jean shouted at him, wiping an imaginary tears off his eyes. "Just who do you think you are?""You piece of trash," Tiana mocked. "Seat down or go wash the toilets. No one gave you permission to speak."Lady Carla was seething in rage. She yelled at Nicholas. "You're nothing but a bunch of embarrassment to me and my family. Shut the hell up and seat down."But Nicholas didn't seat down neither did his eyes left Sir Harold's face. Sir Harold had always hated Nicholas but he was surprised at his sudden boldness and a little impressed. None of his children and grandchildren were ever this bold to even try. They were afraid of the Phoenix family. And why shouldn't they? In the eyes of the Phoenixes, t
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