
Cece thought hard about the events of the past hour as she set a course to her brother's location, Lucy, Julie and their new Friend Creeper sat beside her in the White van they had secured during their mission, they split up from Julie's crew, the rest of her people kept their new bases secure, as well as hunted for any more working vehicles in the area.

Coco sat on Lucy's lap, The Little ball of fur played with The mousey girl's hand as she tried to give her belly rubs.

In the back of the Van in a glassy container sat Creeper's prisoner, Belfast, The creepy little Abomination squirmed with displeasure as he eyed his surroundings menacingly, J.J eyed him back, Snarling at the Spectral Creature.

Cece didn't quite know why she was so..... jittery, She stared the Car as best she could through the ruined city, trying her best not to go there.... go to the dark corners of her mind, The ones that showed her images of her brother in a tortured state or even worse.... 'No.... Cas isnt dead,
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