The Death of Lady Martha

"Who are you to tell me that?" Lady Martha fumed in anger. She looked at Darius only to see him moving backwards.

"Son, attack him!" she ordered.

"I am not your son." Darius told her.

Lady Martha looked at him in shock, then she looked into his eyes. "Where is my son, what did you do to him?"

She flew forward and grabbed Darius by his neck.

Kayden held the sword, then he started to chant spells, he didn't know how he knew the spells but they felt familiar to him.

His eyes shone blue and the wind whipped around him very fast.

Lady Martha screamed and released Darius and lay on the ground shaking. The Leviathan left her body and Kayden quickly trapped it.

Lady Martha's empty body fell on the floor. Darius and Samuel rushed to her, she opened her eyes weakly and looked at them.

"Thank you." she told Samuel and Kayden.

"I love you my boy and I am so sorry for everything." she told Darius.

"It's okay mother." Darius told her.

She smiled at him fondly before closing her eyes for the
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