Chapter Ninety Six: Spilling The Truth.

As Matteo spoke, Carmichael could see the lies in his eyes, his despicable lies palpable in the air. Despite the gravity of his past actions, there was an undeniable determination within him to keep his secret to himself.

Carmichael listened attentively, the lines of his face harding slightly as Matteo continued to lie about how he was coerce into betraying his clan and working with the Dragon clan. There was a moment of silence as Carmichael watched Matteo's words, his expression blank and contemplative.

Matteo's smile slipped from his face, a pained expression replacing it. It was easy to lie to Carmichael, he realized, all it took was a grieved expression and a pause in his lies. Carmichael drew closer, his fist clenched and ready to strike. With one swift motion, Carmichael struck Matteo in the stomach. The blow knocked the wind out of Matteo, and he collapsed, gasping for breath and coughing up blood.

Carmichael leaned down and grabbed Matteo by the collar, hauling him back into
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