Chapter Ninety Five: Truth Revealed II

Matteo could sense the tension weighing heavy in the room as Philip's words hung in the air, the gravity of the situation palpable. His inner turmoil was evident from the pained expression etched on his face, his heart heavy with the realization of the consequences of his actions.

Standing by Matteo's side, Jake right hand held his shoulder tightly, preventing him from even moving. As Jeff spoke, offering a glimmer of hope for redemption, he could see a flicker of determination igniting within Matteo's eyes.

"Make sure you tell Carmichael everything, Matteo," Jake whispered softly, his right hand still on his shoulder. "I hope you get punished for betraying the clan all for your selfish interest."

Matteo face paled, his resolve to tell the truth hardening, he looked ahead ready to face the difficult road ahead. As they waited for Carmichael to arrive, Jeff prepared a seat for him, knowing that the conversations he was going to have with Matteo's would be long and brutal, and hopefull
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