Black Organization Targets

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Black Organization Targets

By: Aya OngoingMystery/Thriller

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 665

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Karen, is known as a Star of Screen Pleasure, which means she is an artist for adult films and videos that are sold only to certain communities. Adult movie fans will know Karen because she is a phenomenal Screen Pleasure star. She was able to achieve sales of millions of copies within a year. Nonetheless, behind her role as an adult movie star, there is another life known only to the Screen Pleasure organization. Karen hadn't known, either, that she was recruited for the purpose of being a hitman. Eventually, Karen developed into the organization's main 'tool'. It all started with Karen going to the cinema with her friend. Karen waited for her friend in the park. While waiting, there were three men who asked Karen to talk. One of them gives Karen a drink and Karen becomes unconscious from the drink. Karen was taken to a deserted place. Karen was raped by three men and it was recorded. The recording was spread on the Internet, Karen couldn't live a quiet life since then. Karen attracted the attention of many viewers. She was only 19 years old. In the one year since then, the public's attention to her has increased a lot. In a state of desperation, Karen throws herself into the world of adult film. She signed up for Screen Pleasure. The upgrade earned Karen additional tasks. Karen is then trained for a special mission because Karen attracts the attention of the target organization Screen Pleasure. The videos are just baited for a bigger purpose. Karen had to hold on, if not, she would be a target. Karen wants to be free, but the condition for her freedom from this black organization is to kill 100 people.

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9 chapters
Screen Pleasure
Karen walked behind the man in dim black and white. Karen played the man's secretary. The office is already quiet, there are only the two of them. Karen followed a gray-rated man into an office. The man put his bag on the workbench. The man's appearance is very neat, with loafers and a suit. "Karen, in the contract the agreement it is mentioned that your role as a personal secretary is to obey my orders and do whatever I tell you to do, that your body is also property for me, remember?" the man said as he sat in his chair and loosened the tie. Karen swallowed hard. "Yes, sir," Karen replied. "Sit here," the man said with his hands patting his thigh. He would mention the matter of the employment contract if he wanted Karen to do additional duties and Karen had already memorized what the additional duties would look like if his boss mentioned 'body'.Karen put her bag on a nearby chair. She approached the man, stood before her, and let the man touch her hip. Karen's gaze met the m
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Karen's Beginnings To Screen Pleasure
An hour earlier, on the way to Ezi's private villa, Karen and her manager were talking about the Client's order. "You have to take this opportunity well. Screen Pleasure has been spreading bait for a long time to get it. Client requests have been coming in for a long time and we can finally realize the request through you. Karen... you are sure to successfully kill one hundred targets and be free from the organization?" The manager emphasized his last question while driving. "I've agreed to do it. I've never seen the boss not keep his promise," Karen said. The Manager's gaze focused on the front. She remembered that six months ago, Karen made a request to quit because she wanted to return to her normal life. Karen said she wants to enjoy a normal day, be able to continue her education, and become a real career woman. Karen admitted that within a year she had misjudged herself, so she regretted joining Screen Pleasure. Karen broke the silence by saying, "I want to know, what will t
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Murder Weapon: Invisible
Tok Tok Tok! The knock on the door awakened Karen from her reverie. Karen hurried to open the door and saw Albert smiling at her. Albert handed her a smartphone. "Mr. Ezi wants to talk to you," Albert said.After giving the smartphone to Karen, Albert left to leave Karen to talk to Ezi. Karen heard Ezi give her directions, what should she do tonight? "In that case, I'd better prepare," Karen said to herself after the phone was turned off. Karen looked at the T-shirt that was still in her hand. She smiled meaningfully. Karen prepared herself well. She returns to being a teenager who likes to wait for her friend in the park. The difference is, that Karen, who is now with the old one, is Karen, who used to not wear perfume because she felt that she didn't need it. Meanwhile, Karen now needs perfume, especially for snake-coded missions, where the target will be killed with poison. Night fell, after dinner, Karen went back to her room to make preparations according to Ezi's request. K
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Target Code
Karen was sitting in her study. The walls of the room are red bricks neatly arranged without furnishings. The room is rectangular in shape with a length-by-width size of seven by four meters. While the size of the room is three meters. There are four long windows measuring four meters wide, and two and a half meters high, the bottom is almost touching the bottom of the floor. From the window, a garden appears. Karen did not install a curtain, so the garden lamp highlighted going into the room, creating an abstract image on the floor. Karen didn't install the room lights in her study. Karen only installed standing lights in two corners of the room, the left and right sides near her seat. There is a small table attached to the wall, almost close to the corner lamp. On the table was a room fragrance furnace. The way the room's fragrance worked was that Karen had to pour aromatherapy oil mixed with a little water on top of the furnace. After that, the oil is heated with wax that is laid
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A Figure Who Deserves to Die
At eight o'clock in the morning, Karen and D.C Madam, who was still sleeping with each other, were shocked by the sound of the room bell. Karen blinked her eyes, while D.C Madam swiftly got out of bed. She moved to get pajamas from inside the closet. The bell rang again twice because Karen and D.C Madam didn't open the door. Karen was reluctant to get out of the quilt. "It must be your manager," said D.C Madam, as she had washed her face. "Oh, he always arrives on time," Karen said, looking at her face complaining. "Do you want me to kidnap you?" D.C Madam whispered in Karen's ear. Karen was amused and chuckled, she woke up and replied, "If you do that, we'll be fugitives." "Oh, my dear. Why is your life tied to them? I wish you had met me first," D.C Madam said as if she didn't want to lose Karen. Karen chuckled. "Fate determines my life by a different path. I never even expected to meet you," Karen said, hiding her true feelings. Had life been able to repeat itself, Karen wou
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Karen scanned the television. She has been turning off the news show since a few minutes ago. After seventy-nine targets down, something haunted her mind. It wasn't clear what it was, but there was already fog bothering her. To herself she asked, I don't know what this is yet, I think I feel something inside me that is disturbing. Would you be able to help me figure out what it is?Karen's other self appeared before her and she replied, explaining in more detail what she felt.Karen pondered, I am happy to be able to complete the mission, that way I will be one step closer to my freedom, but is this the right way? I wonder why I should do it? Karen's other self laughed, isn't it you who chose this path? You registered as a member of Screen Pleasure. Indeed, you didn't know it would be like this in the past, but didn't you choose to be willing to meet the boss's challenge yourself? Now the question is, are you able to do it thoroughly? What if the Boss betrays your trust? You may alre
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Looking for New Techniques
"Dragon-coded target this time, what do you think, Max?" asked Karen in a flat tone. She and Max are on their way back to Karen's house after talking to Boss. "Damian wants you to kill him a few hours before the event starts, right?" Max asked to make sure he hadn't heard it wrong. Max said their boss's name casually, there was not the slightest fear of the name. "Hum. You've heard it yourself. Just imagining it gives me a headache. How to approach a head of state in the G-20 forll definitely stay in a hotel that has a tight guard." Max listened to Karen talking while driving the car. His face remained flat even though his attention was entirely on Karen. "Have you ever thought of a new technique of killing? You don't have to use your old technique and also don't have to abandon it, you could just combine it with the new technique." "New technique?" Karen sat up straight, intrigued. "Yes. For example, using a knife, gun, or something else and applying your homemade poison to that
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Anton, The barista, the young man who also served Karen and Max at the cashier approached Karen with two americanos in hand. There was actually a waitress there, but Anton delivered it himself. The young man delivered an Americano that was deliberately packed in cardboard glasses, unlike other customers he recovered with a shard glass. "Please," said the young man. The two glasses of hot americano carton were accompanied by a note. This is what made him have to hand over the coffee with his own hands. Karen accepted her coffee with a nod. Anton returned to his desk, while Karen and Max read the note in turn. After that they lifted their respective coffees and walked in front of the back, leading to the toilet. They must first pass a few customers. Max opened the glass door on the left side for Karen. Max's treatment of Karen has always been as a gentleman. Karen passed through the door leaf and immediately pointed the body to the right. There were two passages after passing through
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Sadistic Target
Karen drew out the dagger from the target's chest. The VIP, who had been targeted since 1.5 years ago, finally lost his life. Karen licked the blood from the dagger. Her naked body sits on top of her target's body which is also naked. Karen patted the cheek of the man who was blindfolded with a black cloth. "All men in this world will fall into sex. I'm glad that you have this kind of fantasy. It makes my job easier," Karen whispered into the already lifeless man's ear. Karen sliced the rope wrapped around the man's two arms. The man's right and left hands fell slumped on the bed. Karen sliced the veins of the two men's arms. Blood rushed to the bed that had white sheets. Karen got out of bed. She saw the man's and sliced it up. Karen's cruelty didn't end there. She sliced the left and right sides of the abdomen, just like slicing meat from the side. Blood flowed, soaking the bed sheet. "You’re shit!" Karen's hatred for this man was the worst hatred she had ever expressed for her
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