Chapter Ninety Seven: Involving the police.

As Alejandro and the group meticulously laid out the evidence, the atmosphere in the room was thick with tension. Alejandro, his brow furrowed, pointed to a series of photographs, his voice strong and commanding as he explained the significance of each piece of evidence. "This photo," he began, gesturing to a grainy image on the projector screen, "was taken at the port during the time of the kidnapped. It provides a crucial timeline of events that led to the incident." As he spoke, the intensity in the room grew palpable, the officials leaning in, absorbing every word.

One of the authorities, a stern-looking man in a suit, interjected, "But how can we be certain of the authenticity of these documents and recordings?" His skepticism hung heavy in the air, causing a ripple of unease among the group.

Without missing a beat, a member of the team, Emilia stepped forward, her gaze unwavering as she calmly explained the rigorous verification process they had undertaken. "Every document, pho
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