
A series of events were taking place in the cavern that Tito was controlling with his deck of cards, using dirty tricks he was creating traps to stop the passage of the vigilantes and the boys. Everyone was alert for every thing that appeared in that cavern, but Luz had discovered the secret of that power and it was the shadows that the objects reflected, these were the ones that the dolls generated through the light that their flying eyes had, but then of so many attempts that Tito made, the boys had advanced more than he thought, it made him so angry that he put away his deck and would soon make a new strategy, but in the meantime James and Jinsu had advanced to the path that led to the place where they met . I thought Tito was there. In addition, a mysterious girl had appeared with the ability to recover Kai's power through an ancient bracelet that was capable of returning the powers of the one who wore it, but there was a problem, only the one with a pure heart was worthy of awakening the power of that bracelet, could it be that our friend Kai has that kind of heart? —unknown.


Jinsu and I were still running in search of an exit that would take us to the location that Tito had , the bad thing is that the cave was so dark that we couldn't run like that, we had to be alert for the traps that came out suddenly of the walls. We turn into a narrower hallway.

Look at that" Jinsu pointed and it looked like a body that was on the ground.

—Let's see who it is—we both ran towards the subject's body, Jinsu turned him around and he was cadabra .

—Damn it—he snapped—it seems that he is seriously injured—he tried to help him but he didn't respond.

Suddenly I saw a mob of flying eyes coming towards us.

—we have to fight against them to be able to get the body out of cadabra —we started fighting with our swords, but this time there were too many and we didn't know where it was coming from, we moved at high speed, worse as we cut them more they came towards us .

In a moment everyone gathered to focus on us, the shadows of other pillars were joining more and more until they could create a gigantic shadow. From that shadow emerged a very huge monster, it was so huge that it could easily hit the ceiling of the cavern.

—First of all , I thought I had a gift for you—he took the cadabra 's body and squeezed it very hard.

"Leave it there you damn animal" Jinsu yelled at him.

—Do you want me to leave it here?— the monster replied—well, take it if you want—he threw it along, Jinsu began to run hard to be able to catch cadabra and hopefully he did, otherwise he would have fallen into sharp stones.

Hey cadabra , are you okay?" Jinsu shook him and at that moment cadabra 's eyes grew old little by little. "Thank heavens you woke up, you had us very worried."

—Wow, apparently this guy still had some energy left—Tito smiled .

"You're a coward," I yelled at him, "why do you better come out of hiding and fight like a man?" To continue is that you are very afraid.

—It's called caution, besides you already have a monster of mine in front of you and that will suffice.

—this time leave it to me— Jinsu had taken a few steps forward.


—Seriously let me do it, usually we vigilantes have the responsibility to fight one by one with our enemies even if it is risking our lives. But what I have been able to notice is that since I came to the world of the living I have become softer—he continued walking—proof of that is that I could not rescue that child believing that you would come to help me, I have to recover my pride from before that I had or else I will not be able to return to the central dimension, it would be a joke if everyone realized how I am—he smiled at me—plus there are more Volts left so save your energy for the next fights tomorrow, believe me you will need it I raise my thumb in approval.

"But do you think you can defeat him alone?" I wanted to know, I needed to be sure that what I was about to do wasn't completely crazy.

—It is incredible that to this day you still doubt my power, you should know that you are talking to one of the strongest vigilantes of the central dimension— he frowned, his eyes transmitted security to me—this time I will only defeat you— he said placed in front of the huge beast.

—poor conceited— he smiled —do you really think he was an opponent for my huge doll? I would have listened to your friend and perhaps together they would have had a small chance, but now you will suffer the consequences of your actions.

—I wouldn't be so sure of what you're saying— Jinsu stood on top of a pillar and invoked his seal number two, his flight was immediately surrounded by a red aura and his sword had formed a huge dragon with his body pure skeleton—this time I'll kick your butt and this will come to an end—he released his sword and the dragon opened its jaws to devour Tito's monster , he took some swords and tried to cut the dragon, but I saw how the vertebrae of that dragon had separated—even if you try to destroy it, it won't be easy. My dragon has the ability to destroy itself and come back as many times as I want if you fail my power of connection that I have with it .

—What an interesting technique—Tito said—so you leave me another option—the monsters disappeared out of nowhere, but deep down he knew that none of this was right, in a matter of seconds some spears had come out of the ground at great speed. These could hurt Jinsu , he fell to the ground near a shadow, a giant hand of the monster had come out of it and catapulted him meters longer.

"Damn," I snapped and tried to run to help him but I felt a grab.

—Let him do it alone or else you're going to hurt his pride like a vigilante— cadabra stopped me —you still don't understand our laws and believe me it will be an honor for a vigilante to be able to die in a battle, for something is that he is from the Maked Wolf squad, you more than anyone should know what he is—he was right, I can still remember how the battle with that guy went and the only thing that mattered to him was the fight full of blood and glory.

—Okay , but I knew I wanted to help him—I sat with my arms crossed seeing that Tun would have this battle, I just hoped that Jinsu would come out victorious.

"James," said jinsu , " actually you think I'm so weak that you think I'm going to lose this battle, just watch what's going to happen to that wretch. "

—Seriously, you're very insistent, vigilante—Tito always smiled at the remains of the cave—at least it's worthy of honor that you want to die alone, but it's okay, I'll have to give you what you want so much. Now destroy it, ” he ordered the monster.

Jinsu had planned , he waved his sword and his dragon started to split into several fragments. Each vertebra broke off one from the other, surrounded the monster and these became luminous swords, these were embedded in the monster's body making it scream in pain.

"What have you sent to my doll?" Tito's voice was fearful, fearful that his monster was going crazy, it was writhing in pain and at the same time colliding with all the pillars that were in the cave—love Karius —he said— you have to help me please, don't leave me alone in these conditions—instantly the place began to collapse and on a wall the secret canara where he was had been seen.

—Look there— Jinsu pointed out—it's the Volt that controls the monster, we have to act fast before it tries to run away from here— but the monster had gotten crazier and kept destroying everything around it, little by little He got closer to the Chamber where Tito was.

—What do you think you're doing?'—Tito backed away—you can't do this to me, no, after I'm your master—the monster took him in his hands and began to squeeze him hard until he generated a huge explosion.

—Jinsu !— I yelled desperately wanting to help him, I needed to do something to be able to rescue him.

-aside. James—said cadabra — you go ahead while I'll take care of him, don't worry that in our hands everything will be fine, but please go, this fight is over and we need you later.

—Okay— I nodded and then ran through the rubble, I had to dodge one after another or else they would fall on me, Jinsu 's attack had left this place quite vulnerable, as I was running I felt something. It was a very great spiritual pressure but I still couldn't find it, but suddenly I saw how a wall had fallen and there was something strange. I slowly approached and saw that there was a throne, Karius was there with his minions to one side.

—It seems that my best guest has arrived— Karius had gotten up from his seat and was slowly walking towards me , once again he was with the guy who had embarrassed me—I must have recognized that you have come quite far, they destroyed Tito from what I see and that's a great advance, but the bad thing is that you have made my tribe even smaller.

—Shut up—I glared at him—I bet you're the one responsible for that wall falling down and showing your dog's plane.

—You're wrong— I smile —that wall fell only as a result of the impact generated by your friend, but even if he did that or you try to make a maneuver it won't do you any good, the only thing you'll achieve is your death and only prolong my plans, but in the end it will be the same.

"Don't tell lies, I can't believe how you can use your friends as simple combs that get in the way just to buy time " I frowned.

"Anyway, you're free to think what you want, but that's not the case, it's just that I'm tired of so many little words and now I have to connect this world with the underworld . " He smiled , rubbing his hands together.

-What did you just say? You plan to connect this world with the other, have you told me? —age if it was bad news.

—That's right, from the beginning that had been the initial plan, now that eta wishes you can start Marck—he ordered her to do something.

"Don't tell me you're conspiring with Dante," I sentenced him.

—I don't know who the hell this guy is and I don't need someone else to carry out my plans, please Marck continues—in this Marck excited to recite a spell in which walls were forming from nothing giving rise to a portal— what you see is my portal to connect to the beyond, when you have an enormous power you can control the space to your liking and whim and it is the power that I have—he explained—so you will be the perfect target to test how much strength I have obtained.

—say no more—I took my sword and began to run towards him, this time I was not afraid, my mission was to destroy his life at all costs—here I come—raise my sword against his body, but something strange had happened, the , he had only stopped my attack with his forearm, he placed his finger on my forehead and catapulted me towards some walls, my body was rolling on the ground until I managed to hit the wall.

This was not at all possible, I can swear I made contact with his body, but he just stopped it like a blunt sword, this can't be happening. I saw that Karius began to run in my direction, I took my sword, I rejoined and I also wanted to hurt him but again it was in vain, he had taken my sword with his hand by the edge without even having cut himself, instantly I felt how his hand He had pierced my abdomen and kicked me that made me roll again , my body was being destroyed by this guy and I had even dropped my sword from the strong pain I had felt.

"What happened to you?" He asked me, taking my hair and rising to his height , "I thought you would be a worthy opponent to test my powers but now I see the great difference that we both have, but I could use your seal number two. "

"What did you say?" I didn't know that he handled that information.

—What you heard, according to what I have been told you can use a number two seal which makes you much stronger. I thought you would use it against me , but I see that it is in vain, I know that in this world it is difficult for you to use your powers, but come on take your sword—it was giving me time to react.

I turned on the ground, my sword was at the side, I tried to take it by the hilt, but my vision was blurry, I guess I was slowly dying because I couldn't even do that.

—enough—I kick my sword—I see that you can no longer continue fighting and I don't want to prolong your pain any longer, in this case I'll have to finish you immediately—he took me by the neck.

"I don't think that's possible," I spat in his face.

—Before you can die I will tell you the true plan that the Volt have and I think you have never known it—he explained to me.

"That wouldn't be a good idea," Mark said.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if he knows it or not, I'll kill him later anyway," agreed Karius . they have handled, the information that the central dimension has said, but believe me that we are not actually going to that place, the real reason is that we will go to the central dimension itself in search of a revenge that we had for a long time— I smile side—all this time they have been deceived but the reality of things is different.

—Do you mean that everything from the beginning has been a total lie? But why should those in the core dimension hide a thing like that? I still can't find the logic in all this— I frowned, what he was telling me was incoherent.

-It seems that I am not the one who uses my boys as simple pawns as you said, I think they have also been playing with you and your friends and even with the same vigilantes who have sent here, but what you do not know is that our revenge is for something you don't know yet—I shake my head holding my chin—if we go to the central dimension it's because it's the place where all of us Volt were created.

I listened to him and still didn't believe it, they knew it and still they hadn't told us anything, this was undoubtedly the biggest secret they had kept from us so far, now I understood the logic of why they sent the avengers, it wasn't because they were interested in us said they were trying to delay the Volt's plans. I felt betrayed by everyone, I could even endanger my own friends for other people's selfish ends.

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