
After so much sacrifice of the boys and the vigilantes who were helping us to stop the Volt's macabre plans, after having fought tirelessly against Tito we had finally defeated him, all the boys had been left behind, all hopes had remained in my , I was successfully able to reach Karius 's lair , at which point we had a fight in the cradle and I was at a disadvantage by far. But among so much desperation he had told me that his purpose was not to go to the underworld as everything is always handled but that he would have revenge on those who had created it, in that case it was the central dimension, the news had fallen on me like water cold, all of James's equipment had been used up in the midst of those plans. What will happen to our brave warriors?— unknown.


The boys and I were in a clear place, I was healing the wounds of my companions, but I was with the body of Light and then it would be that of Katsuro .

"What's that sound?" Mike had asked alertly.

"I'm sure it must be James who must be fighting and if he escaped through those enormous walls, it must surely be a fierce fight that is taking place ," Billy explained .

"I have to do something" Katsuro staggered to his feet.

—That's crazy—I warned him—in those conditions you won't be able to do anything, not even Tuz wounds have been able to heal.

—I don't care—he tried to take a few steps, but even so it was difficult for him to support himself—my duty is to help James as he did with me.

"It can't be," Mike snapped.

I turned my neck and saw that someone was people to us with a white outfit and that someone was...


—As I have told you So clearly and precisely, the central dimension created us through experiments that were carried out daily with human bodies, the person in charge was a madman who did everything in order to achieve results for his own benefit. Since that time the results got out of hand and we appeared on earth as babies, but that was not all. The years passed and we grew up like a normal child, but the abilities we had were notorious, it was very difficult to hide among humans and they themselves realized that we were very different from them, it was where they demonized us believing that we were some monsters, some creatures from hell, all your flight to seek refuge from then on and the only thing we achieved was this acceleration that you see—he pointed to the whole place—as you can see it is huge and that's how many we were before, but we gradually disappeared little until there are a few left. At that time those of the central dimension offered us their help, we accepted it and even fought with the vigilantes, but everything was a plan already determined, the Olán of inici was to annihilate them, erase them from the map and from history as if we had never existed, that is why we have the revenge of traveling to the central dimension and making them pay dearly for all the damage they caused. Now it's time for them to suffer just like us—I grab my neck and throw myself a few meters to the ground—at least now you know the truth of things.

—Even though you told me that—take my sword—you have no right to take the lives of those humans who have nothing to do with this madness—I rejoined—I have to stop you before it's too late.

"Wow," he smiled , "I did n't know I still had the strength to fight, but that will end at this very moment." He ran towards me at high speed, he didn't even give me time to raise my sword when he had already hurt me in my chest. —but you're still slower than me—he hit me again and again, he didn't give me time to defend, once again my body was crushed and lying on the ground, he followed me and placed his feet on my back and exerted pressure—you're just a piece of trash to me , now that I've taken the lives of many people I've become stronger than ever, not even vigilantes would be opponents for me , we Volt don't have limited powers.

Damn I think this is the end of me, but no! This cannot end here after having done my best and not only mine, but also that of the boys, here we have all helped to make a different world, eliminating the evil that lies in wait for us, this story cannot end this way . I got up little by little to try to take my sword that was a few meters away.

pathetic— Karius laughed .

"Shut up," I staggered, I stretched out my hand and he took my sword.

-It's a bit ironic, I think you consider this sword as your friend or something, but what about, are you dying under the very edge of your sword? It would be a bit interesting.

"You make me laugh a little" I smiled.

—I think I'll kill you with your own sword—he took it and placed it in front of me .

—You still don't know the spirit that controls her at all—I approached him and took my sword from the edge.

"What are you going to do?" I frowned .

—I will show you the true power of Oz—I took the sword and buried it in myself , immediately I arrived at the world that I had inside me and where Oz lived—I think it's time, don't you think so? —I was standing in front of Oz— Ever since I came to earth , Lakai told me that when I was in trouble I could summon seal number two, but I've also noticed that I depend on you a lot and that's not good.

—I see that once again you are in trouble and the only solution is me, but tell me, are you afraid? Because if you are afraid your heart softens and your sword becomes weaker, you have to take control of that and show that brave heart that you had in the central dimension, I will ask you once again why do you fight? What is the reason you want to become stronger?

—Now that I remember, I promised myself that I would save those people who are in danger, that's how I got floor number two, but now I need a bit of your power to be able to win this fight—our glances collided.

"I don't have to lend you my power, James," he shook his head, "power has always been with you, but lack of trust is what has kept you away from it." Now what you have to do is trust yourself and the power will return as before.

"Okay..." I went back to the battle with Karius .

"What the hell did you do?" He looked at his hand and I no longer had my sword.

—This time I will destroy you damn— I raised my power with my sword in hand—seal number two—I exclaimed and finally my power was increasing to how I once had it, I felt the power of Oz through all my veins and the security it had in myself _ I was wrapped in a sphere of power to make way for my armor.

—So that's your seal number two—he snorted—we'll see how strong you are—in an insistence I disappeared to attack Karius and had slightly injured him.

“Master Karius ,” Bulls yelled.

" Leave him alone, don't interrupt the fight," Marck intervened.

can dodge this ." Karius vanished but now with my power the movements he made were predictable, I could clearly see where he was moving.

—This time I can see you easily—I stopped his attack and immediately responded with a blow that made him fall to his knees—come on damn get up, now if I want you to talk more than necessary—he rejoined, his face was pale, I'm sure he was surprised that I was at the same level or maybe a little above his level.

"Even if you have that new look, it won't be easy for you to defeat me." He ran towards me just like I did, we would both collide head-on with great powers. There had to be a winner and I definitely wouldn't give up that easy. It had taken a long time for me to gain my power and I wouldn't let him.

At one point before we collided, a glow had come out that almost impacted them, we both looked in all directions and could not find the person responsible for who had done that, it was until I raised my eyes and it was Kai, apparently he had managed for his powers to return.

—It's good to see you again friend—I greeted him with my hand, his face was serious, but behind him came the other boys, at least all of them had passed the tests and now we were more than them.

—I'm also glad I'm not one more burden for you, now I can take care of myself—we his sword of light, he instantly attacked Karius from there through that sword, it created a luminous blast, but it hadn't hit the target .

"I see that you have regained your powers, but not fully," Karius said .

"You think so?" He instantly used a flash step that made him appear behind Karius 's back , pointing his sword at him.

“Everything ready, Bulls?” he asked while Bulls was fixing the preparations for that portal they had.

—Everything is ready master, Karius —he agreed and then Marck came, stood in front of the portal, holding his two arms out in front and began to recite something in some language.

"What's going on here?" I wanted to know.

"Please don't move" ordered Kai and immediately he was pointing his sword at that portal.

"But what are you going to do Kai?" He wanted to stop him, but he was at a distance where he could n't get there in time.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing and believe me everything is under control, that portal is still open." He took the sword and threw it at that portal, without knowing why he had done it.

"Just what we needed," Karius said, " now you're no use to us when you walk to the portal. "

"How come he's no longer of use to you?" I asked Karius before he continued walking.

— Yes , as you heard correctly, the only thing we needed was the power of this boy to finish opening the portal to head towards the central dimension, we always assumed from the beginning, the power of his sword was unique, That's why we worried when he lost his powers, we tried to get him into difficult situations that would make his power explode, but now that he's done it, it's enough for us.

"That's true," Kai stated.

So you knew that too ?" Karius asked .

—That's right, Azucena arrived where I was trained and gave me a bracelet that told me that when I put it on it would return my powers mostly, it was through that bracelet that I returned, but it also warned me that this would happen after I appeared in front of you.

—Do you mean that you are also helping these monsters?— I frowned—I can't believe that you have committed such madness, now we will have more serious problems than we had—I shook my head, I still understood Kai's purpose when having done that, he was supposed to be on our side.

—I thank you very much—said Karius to Kai—for a moment I was scared when you asked for your powers but thanks to the death of Ates it also influenced you to serve as a reason for you to become stronger, now that's why I want to ask you that you join my tribe, I promise you that you will have a lot of power—he extended his hand waiting for Kai to shake it.

—You still don't understand, I don't belong to your people, the only thing I did was Aburto the step for you to go to the central dimension and that's where I'll end your disgusting life—he sentenced.

—I think you were a little more intelligent, but I see that you weren't, anyway, if you'll excuse me—he vanished and I appreciate the side of his other henchmen, they were all in front of that portal—if they want revenge, we'll wait for them on the other side—everyone they completely vanished .

"Damn, they escaped" I hit the ground with my sword.

" James!" Lord had come running into the cavern.

" Lord?" I frowned, I didn't know how he managed to get here.

"It seems I'm a little late, those Volts have already left," he shook his head, "but it seems you've caused quite a mess Kai. "

—It's true Kai, why did you help him get out of here? You gave him all things easier.

—You still don't understand, even if you achieved your seal number two it wouldn't have been enough to stop Karius , he is stronger than you imagine.

"You say that because we didn't try, but now that he's gone, how can we know?" I raised my hands in peace.

" He 's right," Lord said, "I think I know where Kai's Plan is going, but what you did is still risky."

"I know, but I had no choice." He pursed his lips.

—Could you explain to me what things are you talking about?— I felt stupid listening to them and not understanding a single word.

—You see—Kai looked me in the eyes—if I did that it's because in the central dimension we are more powerful, you still don't remember the times we fought in that place? Like when you fought Himura , your seal number two was even stronger than here, in our world our power is limited—now if you were understanding what he was talking about.

—The problem with this is that just as we will increase our power, the Volt will also increase, they are like a sponge when they get there—Lord scratched his chin—by the way, do you know very well what you carry in that arm?

—I know perfectly well, I also know that this tends to get out of control at any moment and I could even say that it could even be damaged, but I have no choice but to hold on to this.

—Very well—raise my voice—enough of the talk, what we have to do now is go to the central dimension, from the south of everything we have unfinished business with these guys.

—You're right—said Lord—if those from the central dimension had something to do with the creation of these Volt they also have the responsibility to stop them.

—I hope they don't leave without me— Jinsu arrived with Max and Steve, the two of them were carrying him.

"We'll go too," said Astrid, Mike and Katsuro .

—Thank you very much—Kai agreed—I owe you many things, that's why I consider you more than my friends, you are my family.

Well, apparently everything was going well, the mistreatment of my friends and the avengers who had come here were gathered and we had the idea of traveling to the central dimension again, I had never thought that the day would come when I would return, but this time everything It would be different because even the Dark were on our side, it was the ideal opportunity to show my powers, I felt excited inside, I knew that something like that would please me very well.


—what is the central dimension like?— we had entered through the portal, it had launched us into the sky and we were heading like kites—it will be the ideal time to take the revenge we always wanted—and even the air that could be felt here it was very different from the one on earth, but everyone would know about our powers.

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