Nah I'm just concerned.

I watched as the rain drops lightly, the rain isn't that hard anymore but we're still in the small room that we've been using as a shelter.

No one was uttering any single words, Jack's just hugging me tightly while I'm holding his hand, anyone could mistake us as a couple but for us this is just normal, back when we were still in the outside world we used to comfort each other using a hug and soothing words, this is our usual position as always.

"Jack… "

I called for his name.


He hummed as a response.

"How was the outside world?"

I don't know if it's been a month yet but I feel like I've been stuck here for almost decades because of all the pain, sufferings and struggles we've been through, for once, I wanna know how the world looks like.

"It's like hell"

He said with no emotion and hesitation, it feels like he really means those words.

"But this place could be more hellish though"

He sigh deeply and played with my hair.

" It could be but at least we're together, while I was st
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