When the sun got over the horizon, I got out of Chika’s place. Using the Scythe as support I dragged my aching body towards the settlement.

Damn it! My whole body hurts like hell.

Despite it only being sunrise the settlement is bustling. The hunt must have already been gathered and people where already up to collect their ration for the day.

Technically there should be enough to ration them for months if the meat is cured, but with the time it took to cure and the amount of people that came in occasionally the daily hunts were mostly shared daily until the ones in stores was cured.

I’m somewhat a familiar figure around here. Draped in a cloak, much better from the very first tarp I used, though it was old. They knew of the relation I had with Chika and the fact I was one of those who hunted most people stayed cleared of me. Then there’s the rumor about the scythe. Something about the weapon being cursed and me being a dangerous and cruel character,

That really hurt my feeling, you
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