Chapter 80 Hidden Danger

In the moonlit garden of the estate, an air of anticipation and amusement filled the air as Malachi and the tall, blonde nobleman faced each other. The gathering of nobles, drawn by the prospect of a light sparring session between the renowned Malachi and one of their own, stood around in a semi-circle, their expressions ranging from curiosity to outright glee.

The nobleman, his rapier hanging elegantly at his waist, introduced himself with a flourish. “I am Lord Edric, a humble practitioner of the blade,” he said, his voice carrying a note of pride. He offered Malachi a slight nod, the gesture a subtle acknowledgment of respect typically given to a commoner by a noble.

Malachi, understanding the nuances of the gesture, responded in kind. He bent his knees slightly and bowed his head, maintaining eye contact with Lord Edric. This posture indicated his respect for the noble’s status, yet it also conveyed his readiness to engage fully in the spar.

As they prepared to begin, another nobl
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