War on Heretics

The air was tense with anticipation as soldiers from The Order and Black Hand stood in formation, their eyes fixed on the surrounding areas.

They were ready to engage in battle, with their weapons at the ready and their determination set in stone.

The heretics had been causing chaos in the city for far too long, and it was time to put an end to their reign of terror once and for all.

The Order soldiers, their revolvers shining in the sunlight, stood at the forefront, their daggers glinting menacingly in their belts.

The Blackhand soldiers, clad in some black armor, stood just behind them, their weapons at the ready.

Their mission was clear: to protect the innocent civilians from harm, while The Order purged the heretics from the city.

As they waited for the battle to begin, the leaders of each division received a message that sent chills down their spine.

"It's time to erase the heretics from our city."

Those simple words carried with them a weight of responsibility and duty that coul
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