Not wanting to hurt his family even though they are fake, has left Kendrick crawling around the church’s floor, begging his family to stop. He has every ability and strength to defeat all of them, especially the demon that are controlling them. However, he is not to use that power against his family. It has been a month and a half since this one-sided fight started, and Kendrick can feel that he would die in this. He can’t handle it. Amaterasu was right, this is the most brutal and gruesome stage of the entire 100 years of training. The pain, the agony and grief cannot be described in this. Kendrick is even wondering that how can they call this a training when it is meant to leave physical and mental trauma to those who undergoes it.

“What is the matter, Ken? Don’t you rather join us, than to avenge us?” all of them said at once.

Kendrick stood up and faced them,

“I do want to join you guys. Because without vengeance, I would serve no purpose. But I refuse to die in the hands of some
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