Chapter 90: Daphne's Fall

Despite the fact that Daphne was aware that complying with my request would not be anything good for her, she was willing to do whatever was necessary to safeguard the safety of both her and her family.

"Y-Yes, I would do anything."

"Alright, then how about we kill your fiancée first."

"My Fiancée?!" With a puzzled expression on her face, she tilted her head to the side and looked at me.

'As expected, Daphne did not know that she had a fiancée.'

"Yes, your fiancée, you may not know, but when you were just a little toddler, your grandfather had already arranged a marriage for you with a hillbilly..."

Then I explained everything to her about Kevin, his master, how he saved Daphne's grandfather, and why her grandfather thought to marry her with Kevin.

"You mean to say that my grandfather fixed my marriage because Kevin was a student of a Grandmaster and had the support of a Grandmaster, but the Grandmaster is already dead."


This was a fact that Kevin tried to hide for a long
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