Chapter 89: A Touching Reunion?

Since Henry was with me from the beginning, I had already arranged everything.

There wasn't much suspense or hesitation. I grabbed Daphne and took her to the basement of this house that was converted into a special medical facility.

When we came down, from the outside of the room, through a glass panel, an old blonde man could be seen lying down on the bed with bandages covering his whole body.

Henry was in such bad shape that he was barely recognizable, but Daphne had no trouble recognizing him.

So, the moment I opened the doors.


Daphne rushed towards the man in the medical room, and Henry's eyes widened with surprise and recognition.

The sound of his daughter's voice had stirred him from his slumber. He struggled to sit up, his bandages shifting slightly as he moved.

"Daphne?" he uttered, his voice weak but filled with emotion. "Is that really you?"

Daphne reached her father's side, tears streaming down her face. "Yes, Father, it's me. I've come to find you."

Overwhelmed w
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