On the Edge

Once hollow, the shadows solidified into a person capable of outrunning even the tracker demons. From her fingertips, fog condensed into an apparition quite like the demons that roamed this place. Creating the perfect distraction for her to pass through. There was no joy in Nora’s eyes, nor a suggestion of a smile, just pure seriousness as she ran across the narrow corridors. If luck would have it, she would leave unscathed.

Grey shadows formed into platforms which she used to climb to the top of the tower, and reach that single hole she opened when she infiltrated this place – her only exit strategy. The shadows were like patient clocks, waiting for her feet to land and then disappear. But, the further she ran, the more demons came out. Many emerged from the walls, trying to block her at every turn.

Nora would let her eyes see how close they would get. And when they were at the right distance, the tip of her blade would exterminate them. Even the shadows that were steps for her to wa
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