“hey there sensei, how is the training going?”

the one who came into the forest and approached katsuro and asked like that was Solomon. the strongest demon king of the present generation

“oh, hey there Solomon. good to see you. the training is going well. he caught up to my expectations faster than I thought”

as Solomon called out to katsuro. katsuro replied to Solomon while smiling. as he said that Solomon replied

“Good to hear that. it has been almost 20 days from that day after all. I expected him to make progress but I have not expected that he would make progress that even you would be impressed with. anyway, where is he now?”

when Solomon asked that katsuro pointed towards the deep forest that is in front of him and said

“he is in that forest”

when he said that Solomon became surprised and asked katsuro

“wait, by the forest don't tell me..”

“It is just as you expected, he is on the run from the demonic mon

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