Chapter 10 Would it Be an Angel?

Upon returning to the building, Teodoro was already having lunch. He holds the plate up and invites Josias. “You can go in there if you can.”

Josias approaches the counter. “Do you believe that I almost saw the boy who encouraged me not to give up?”

“What do you mean, give up?” Teodoro frowns, “Were you trying to kill yourself?”

“No, but all of a sudden, when I was on the bus, this boy in religious style and clothes was on a seat behind me, and when I was leaving, he asked if I needed help. When I asked him to pray for me, he smiled and promised that not only would he pray for me, but that my life would be great and successful.”

Teodoro stops chewing and swallows. His face is serious. “And you don't know who it is?”

“He embarked at Rainbow Garden, but I had never seen him before.” Josias scratches his head. “Although the neighborhood is large and I don't know everyone.”

Teodoro smiles, but not in mockery. “Look, son, I don't know. The way you say it, it looks like you had a vision. It seems that God saw your affliction and sent that boy to encourage you”

“As if Everaldo was an angel?” Josias is moved, his eyes go wide.

“Yeah...” Teodoro is a little disconcerted, “I know it sounds ridiculous, but I've heard so many people telling each story like that... I'm not religious, but I respect those who believe.”

“I just wanted to meet him again to say that everything is fine.” Josias says in a sigh, “Well, I'm going to go upstairs, put the towel away, and go back to eat. And again, thank you very much, Seu Teodoro!”

Josias strides to the stairs and takes the stairs two at a time. He did not expect to be invited to eat, so he considers this one more blessing from God promised by Everaldo. “Where is he at?” Josias wondered.

The days went by. Josias is already getting used to life in Happiness Slum. During the day he went out to look for something. Sometimes Teodoro showed him the want-ads in the city newspaper with something interesting. But, Josias still has not managed to find anything significant.

Was it because Josias was still wearing the same outfit? When Josias chose a more formal job in the downtown area, Teodoro lent him a dress shirt. But, because Teodoro was paunchy, it was obvious to everyone that the shirt was not his. And as they say, the first impression is what remains.

Did Josias need to meet with Everaldo again for the “prophecy” to continue to be valid? He even tried to find him one of these days. He went to the bus stop where he got off that night, at the same time. But, when he boards, Everaldo was not on the bus. The driver and the changer were the same. Josias, embarrassed, made up an excuse. “Sorry, changer, I forgot my money, I won't be able to proceed.”

The changer smiles because Josias doesn't try to travel on the bus for free and, at the next stop, he gets off. Josias doesn't want to try every day to find Everaldo like that. Then, he returns.

When he is walking down the main street, with the usual bustle of lively residents and partygoers, Josias finds Melissa coming out of that bar full of drunken customers, some of them whistling disrespectfully at the girl. She was wearing shorts above her knees, showing beautiful legs.

Josias felt that this was a dangerous place for Melissa and promptly went to her. She finds him approaching and smiles. “Look, if it's not Josias.”

Josias smiles and notices that she has a bottle of beer in her hand. “Isn't it early for this?”

Melissa laughs. “No, it's for my dad.”

Josias's eyes widen. “He doesn't let you date anyone, but does he let you stick in that place?”

Melissa is in awe, moved by Josias to care for her. “Well, he doesn't lock me up in a castle, either. I can go out; I have friends and some schoolmates. Only when it comes to a serious relationship he does advise me to be cautious.”

Josias smiles, he’s satisfied with what he hears. “OK, go get this beer that it's heating. See you, Melissa.”

“See ya.” Melissa looks again at Josias's attire. Is he shirtless again, and in the same sweatpants? But, she doesn't dare to ask, she just smiles and says goodbye to him.

It turns out that, since they met at the pharmacy, Josias did not tell her that he ran away from home to escape a probable death, that he did not even see the funeral of his murdered father. As he remembers his father, Josias's smile fades from his face. However, he holds back tears as he enters the building. Teodoro is at the counter and asks him, “So, did you manage to find your guardian angel?”

Josias glances at Teodoro and smiles playfully. “Less, man. I met with another angel, a much more interesting one.”

Teodoro laughs, already understanding what it is.

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