Mental Energy

Lee could be seen seated in a lotus position on a bed in a small room that had only a wooden table and chair, this didn't look like the proper room of Lee in his father's residence. It was with no doubt not Lee's room, after Lee had accepted the Dragon call needles, he had wanted to start cultivating the art, but courtesy demanded him not to, with him not able to fulfill this wish he decided to lose himself in his thoughts and that was what he did till the auction ended, he didn't even know what the main item was, he speedily left the palace and searched around for an inn where he could rent and cultivate the art, it didn't take long before he found one.

Lee brought out the scroll and needles from his storage ring, he unfolded the scroll and began to read through the content, it took a while before he digested everything.

Lee could not help but shake his head, no wonder cultivators ran mad, you had to place your mind under some certain amount of pressure, it was like placing an heav
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