C42 °•○● Inner Field's Exam Registration


°•○● ELEMENTA- The Tale of Immortality - Chapter "42" -/ T

"Inner Field's Exam Registration" °•○●

"So you know me. So let's not rush it. Just give everything you have on you and it'll be over here! Otherwise hehehe..."

Ren smiled as if he didn't understand the boy's threatening words. And he clearly acted like an idiot.

"Wugang, can't you make an exception for us?" ' Ren said, taking a step back. There was an expression on his face that truly believed that Wugang would forgive them if he said it sweetly enough.

"I'm just an ordinary kid. I'm a thin person who just got to school. I need my clothes on. Can't you please give me some time?" Ren's face was clouded with false fear. Even Nami next to him and the duo behind him suspected that Ren might actually be frightened. It was a very real facial expression.

But Ren was having fun inside. Because he was surprised. It was hilarious to encounter this boy and his men hiding behind the tre
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