The perfect time
This world is a multifactorial world, allowing for the existence of anything understandable and unintelligible, allowing it to be full of the absurd and the bizarre and all the unreal, and having no rules that go against reality and common sense.

If he had to sort it out, maybe it could be divided into those that have been exposed, and those that have never been exposed...

It's just a balance.

"Isn't now the pecfect time to use it?" The voice reminded him.

"No. This is not the time to change everything, and I think there will never be a time to change everything. Everything will change on its own, but let it change itself, not be changed by me.” Sagen Takei shook his head, he had thought about this for a long time, and honestly, in his heart, even though this world is full of complications and contradictions, it is still a world with life. And life cannot be 100 percent affected by external factors, the cells inside it will automatically adapt and adjust, and your only job is to ob
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