Chapter 354 – New mountain

Chapter 354 – New mountain

Because he had limited time, he could only direct Alex and the girls to fill the field prepared for visitors like them. They were already too surprised to find that many domineering people had looked like that.

They were surprised when they found a woman dressed in the same complete with a smooth and bald head. Sanao advises Kitsune not to overdo things about those people. Let them (Mala and Alex) be the spokespersons when facing this situation.

They were greeted by women who lined up neatly and accompanied them to a place provided by the others. Then they were directed to the more prominent temple, home to visitors interested in praying. They are welcome to rest while enjoying what is there. But they also have to fill in the boxes provided there.

This is intended as a facility they will use to clean, maintain and keep the temple house standing. It requires more expenditure, primarily when the location used is quite difficult to t
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