The Free Will of the Crown Prince
Chapter 14 The Free Will of the Crown Prince

Amaya and her troops draw up their appearance inside the palace of the Akkad empire. Notifying the king of defeating their foe. Clamors and hooting from the soldiers were heeded, and as the townsfolk and the royal emperor witnessed their spree, the king mandated a feast to glorify their duties and patriotism to their emperor and the townsfolk's safety.

"Without the warrioress, we wouldn't have accomplished a victory from the conflict of Subartu."

"But why did the king demand a clash with Subartu? What was the sudden prospect of the king's reflection, what will benefit us afterward?"

"I have managed to compile information from the townsfolk, chattering about the association of the late emperor to the serpents."

Various soldiers gathered through and sorted their beliefs, tittle-tattling behind the emperor's intention of transporting his warriors to clash over the slightest complicated reason.

"Igashu, I have a message to convey…" -Moirai wa
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