Chapter 4 The Strategy (2)

We arrived at a planet far from my domain. It was a barren planet on the outside continuously leaking radiation and a large scar ran from its center to the other half of the planet. Inside the scar it was filled with Lava Rivers.

The Planet was yet to be discovered by the dragon race and even if they did discover it, they wouldn't pay any attention to it because from one look it was visible that if they try to restore it, it will crumble to pieces.

And therefore it was the perfect place for me to hide my trump card from king's prying eyes. In one of my mission to subdue or kill an X ranked magical beast I had encountered this planet and on further exploration I came to know that the planet which looked barren from outside was actually filled with life by various beast species inside the scar.

The planet's size was equal to that of planet on which king lived and it had its own star deep inside the planet itself making environment there habitual for many species. From outside due to thick radiation emission from its surface, life sign tracking inside the planet was impossible and the scar was filled with Lava River for most of the time, which made this planet uninterested in the eyes of others.

A portal appeared inside the cavity and I alone stepped out of the space portal. It took me few minutes to catch my breaths, [Void Step] from one planet to another with so many people is definitely not an easy task.

With a wave of my hand, all six retainers came to sight still frozen in purple transparent bubble with runes moving on the edge of bubbles. The process of keeping the bubble active was taking a huge toll on my dragon heart and thus I released them after which they suddenly realized that their surrounding has been changed.

We were on a plane land covered with green grass, on one edge of the land was a big river and on other edge a magnificent black mountain reaching the clouds in the sky.

"Where is this place my lord?" Andrew asked breaking out of his stupor.

"You will know by the end of this meeting." I said, the answer to his question was already included in one of my contingency plan.

Hearing my answer they had relaxed expression on their faces, but suddenly their instincts alerted them and they surrounded me facing all direction, their backs toward me trying to protect me from whatever the threat which was approaching us from all direction.

"Hahaha, Good instinct lizards." A proud voice came from the direction Andrew was facing and then 10 beasts stepped out from the shadow in the blink of an eye surrounding all of us.

Then all 10 of them bowed their heads showing their respect towards me, it was the gesture of respect I had engraved in their minds by beating them for god knows how many years.

The quiet and empty plane on which we have arrived has suddenly become chaotic, with beast glaring at all retainers and retainers staring at the beast both sides thinking about best way to kill the other party.

"You guys will be working together in the near future; all of you line up and hear the one final mission I have for you." Hearing my order they dropped whatever thoughts they had in their minds and lined up eagerly waiting for the briefing.

"I will be dividing you both into 2 teams, team 1 will come with me to the tower and team 2 will begin its mission as soon as king with its leader and me have entered the Tower." I said while reading the expression of all of them which clearly of confusion.

"The team which will go with me will be fighting against leaders and king and whatever he has prepared for me; Team 2 will start its movement after we have entered the tower."

"The mission which team 2 has to carry is not to fight for me, but a rescue mission." I said and all the Retainers had unbelieving expression on their faces.

"It will take us at least 1 year to reach the final portal and therefore the time limit in which Team 2 have to complete its mission is 1 year." I said explaining the time they have and nature of mission.

"Now let me explain you, who is the person you have to rescue and why now." I said.

"In the past when I was roaming the Dragon realm for answers to my questions, I had encountered an ancient inheritance of a forgotten dragon family whose power we have never heard of, which was the ability to control 'Time'."

"By the looks what remained of the remnant of that inheritance, if I wanted to learn more about them, I had to go to a place where no dragon would ever think of going 'The infamous Abyss'." When my words ended I heard the gulping sound of few retainers.

Nobody would willingly wish to enter the hell unless he is stupid, but I was not stupid I had the reason.

I had been different from other dragons since my birth. They were nothing more than power hungry beast in my eyes, always trying to occupy top of the food chain but I was more of an adventurer, alone since the birth I had always kept myself entertained, always trying to venture in unknown abyss was just any other place for me.

"After entering abyss and continuous fighting with remnant soul and some strange creature I encountered the sealed Ancient dragon will purposefully waiting for me there as if it was certain that one day I would come there."

"In that prison, I was able to evolve into the realm of Primordial dragon, improve my abilities to the new heights and become someone who I am today, he imparted me with most of his knowledge, and in return he asked me just one favor." I paused few second for others to catch up to what I was saying.

"To save the last person of his lineage, it is to save his only daughter from where she is being experimented by royal family." I said with a deep voice containing many emotions.

"He has asked me to rescue her before I plan to kill king, because if I kill king before she is rescued then the dragons there will kill her without any second thoughts to get rid of any evidence against royal family." I continued to answer their unspoken question such as why not rescue her after we have cleared the tower and killed the king.

"I myself had tried to go and rescue her in the past but when I was near the location, the Soul contract automatically activated restraining me from taking any further action, it was indication that my actions will harm the royal family directly and I had to resort to such indirect methods." I explained them why I couldn't accompany them.

The fate which that dragon family has suffered was same as mine and many other I knew , even If my teacher hasn't asked me to rescue her I would have done the same thing I am doing now.

"Damn it, how many innocent dragons has those bastards killed to satisfy their greed, how many dirty secrets are they hiding, I swear in the name of my sword, I am going to slaughter all the leaders and whole royal family." One of my 3rd strongest retainers Demion spoke gritting his teeth finding his situation similar to what I have just described.

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