Chapter 8 The meeting (1)

I teleported outside the capital's outer boundary because the whole capital was surrounded by Anti teleportation array and other defensive measures in order to prevent any attack on the city. It was more like an impenetrable fortress than city.

The Royal guards standing outside the gate sensing my presence opened the gates for me and sent the message to the main palace of my arrival.

It was quite a hassle to travel from outer wall to the main palace in flying vehicles which took half an hour but nothing can be done about it. I could reach faster by flying but it was the process everyone has to follow.

The flying vehicle was like a giant white egg, which used either mana crystal or Users own mana to fly from one place to another. It was faster and comfortable mode of travel at the speed which brock the sound barrier. It also helped in avoiding the accidents of Dragons crashing into each other while flying and fighting over it.

From outside people couldn't see who was inside the veh
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