My best friends

"Why do you want to do that? That is dangerous? This is the army base seven we are talking about." she asked in a low voice, not loud enough for anyone passing by to hear her. Her eyes were still widened as she kept staring at me.

"This is very important. I told you what my boss said. He told me never to go back unless I bring to him the complete details about the old case."

"Do you know what you are talking about?" she held my hand and dragged me away from the gate to a quiet corner close to the base. "If you are caught sneaking in, you are dead. The armies will kill you. You know how harsh they can be." she said quietly even though we were away from the gate.

I sighed and looked down. I have no other choice but that. I don't know anyone in the army and I wouldn't be allowed in just like that especially when I am still a junior lawyer.

"Elena, if I don't do this I wouldn't be allowed into my office and that will be the end of my career in the council.
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