Beginning Of The Talks

A large room.

Two rectangular tables facing each other.

The tables were in golden color with Solaria’s emblem engraved on them.

A golden sun with rays.

At one table were the people of Solaria.

Albert Solaria had the main seat in the middle, with his sister Liana on his right and his uncle Salazar Solaria on his left.

Andrew, Aura, and Claire were in seats on Liana’s right.

Duke Baino and the other important nobles were next to Salazar’s Solaria.

Before them, were Selena and the others.

Selena obviously had the main seat in the middle.

On her right was her younger brother, Narvi Lunarstella, and on her left was an empty seat.

Karen Niveis was on Narvi’s right as they were engaged.

Nea was behind Karen as a maid.

Kyra, Isaac, Jerry, Lynda, Robert and Zara were standing behind.

Finally, the nobles of Lunarstella were on the left of the empty seat.


Two people were looking with mouths agape at Selena Lunarstella.

The first was Andrew, who was shocked to see such beauty.

He found th
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