The News

๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’— Beautiful

                    Mystery ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’—

  ( Oceana )

By: Ukinebo Glory

Episode 7

" what the...?" Beatrice screamed with annoyance laced in her tone

" how dare you? you have the guts to walk to this table without an invitation and even sat down, then placed your filthy snacks on the same table am eating from; and then used that God forsaken hand of yours to take from my fries and start eating it like a lunatic" she cursed boiling with rage

Chelsea looked at Mario to see him smirking

gosh!! that was alot. isn't he supposed to be angry or something? she thought

" you done?" he asked her smirking

this only made Beatrice grew angrier. She wiggled her brows at him and held her face with contempt

" you're a scumbag and so full of yourself" Chelsea said and dragged her tray of snacks to the end

" well... I don't know why I take that as a compliment" Mario said and  laughed. Chelsea couldn't helped it and she laughed out too

Beatrice stared at her with anger and disappointment

" what... why you looking at me like that? I'm not him" she said frying to defend herself

" then keep shut. why do you have to laugh also?" she said angrily

" I don't see a rule here that says I can't laugh; and besides, why are you so angry? he was just trying to..."

before Chelsea could finished what she was saying, Beatrice picked up her Tray, got up and walked to another table

Chelsea trailed her with her eyes as she walked to an empty seat. she rolled her eyes and picked up her juice then started sipping from it

" whatsup" Mario turned to Chelsea and said

she smiled and stopped shipping

" am" she asked him

" I'm always cool." Mario replied and they both laughed

Chelsea looked back at Beatrice wondering what's up with her friend?

she liked the guy and yet she acts like he's the most disgusting human on earth when he's close to her

she just don't seem to understand her

" thinking about something?" Mario snapped her out of her thoughts

she stopped staring at her friend and took her eyes to Mario

" Beatrice is such a character; but not to worry, I know how best to handle her" Mario said smiling at her

" and by that - you mean getting her angry?" Chelsea teased

" not the way you put it. I just love to be around her" Mario chuckled taking a sip from his smoothie

" long have you guys known eachother?" Chelsea decided to ask to know more about their history

" since elementary school" Mario replied

" woahhhh...that's a long time ago" she exclaimed

" yeah." he replied

" and you guys have always been like this"

" well...yes" Mario grinned

" amazing" there was a short silence

" so chelsea...tell me more about yourself ?" Mario said

"what's there to know" Chelsea chuckled

" I Know there's more to know. so much more than just your name. - because that's the only thing I know for now; and also the fact that you're a friend to my longtime friend" Mario said and a deadening laughter from Chelsea followed

" well..."

she stopped talking when she saw them walk In.mario too; also took his eyes to them

Mitchell and Leo - they walked in with Mitchell all over him - acting like a clingy bitch

well... technically- that's what she is

their hands were intertwined

Chelsea looked away immediately with jealousy clearly written on her face

Mario saw this but didn't say anything about it

they walked into he cafeteria as all eyes turned to stare at them; and walked to an empty table

they passed the empty table and started walking to where Beatrice was sitting. they got there and stopped making everyone to turn back at them again - focusing their gaze as they awaited the unfolding drama

" we'll like to sit here" came the bitchs voice

Beatrice looked up at them and back to her snacks - completely ignoring them

Michelle was flared up by her actions as her eyes turned red

she turned to look at Leo who wasnt making any attempt to say anything

" didnt you hear what I said" she screamed her chest heaving up and down as she spoke

" met me here first, so if I were you I would go look for somewhere else to sit instead of Standing here ranting" Beatrice fired back

Michelle gasped and look over at Leo expecting him to say something - but he never did

" Leo" she called angrily

" are you just gonna stand here and listen to this low life girl talk to me the way she likes" Mitchell asked him her eyes spitting fire

Beatrice was enraged after being referred to as a low life

like what the...

she stood up slowly from her chair and walked out of it

" what...what did you just call me?" she asked Mitchell

" low li...." she didn't wait for her to finish it before shutting up her mouth with a defending slap that made the whole place drop dead silent

Leo stepped back immediately and walked to a chair, then sat down. enjoying the show

Michelle's hand went up to her face, holding the place she was slapped. her eyes were red with unshed tears that took her alot to hold In

it room her a while before she was able to raise up her head

" dare slap me?" she pointed angrily at Beatrice

" don't you dare!" Beatrice yelled to her face removing her pointed finger away from her face

" how dare you call me a low life, you good for nothing proud bitch. if you think everyone in this school is scared of you just because you're popular and all; then news flash my dear, I'm not and will never be. you make me sick " Beatrice spat out in rage

" you'll pay for this.i promise you" Mitchel said at the verge of tears

her squad walked in right then, making everyone wonder where they had been

they walked in and stared around suspiciously wondering what was going on

their eyes went to Mitchell who was holding her face and they ran to her

" what happened?" Cindy asked, after trying to remove her- Mitchell's hand from her face but to no avail

" she slapped me. she dare raised her hand to slap me" Mitchell told them

she didnt realise she was creating a scene and it was getting so interesting

" what!!"  both Cindy and lilly shrieked taking their eyes to Beatrice

" how dare you? what gave you the audacity and effrontery to lay your filthy hands on our friend'?" Cindy challenged

" and who is asking? so you think you can question me" Beatrice fired at her

" I can see you've got guts" lily said

" yeah; I'm glad you know that now so you'll stay clear off my oath and warn this rude spoilt brat friend of yours..." Beatrice couldn't complete her statement as lily lifted up her hand in an attempt to slap her but was held by. she looked at her hands in the air and saw it was held by someone

Beatrice turned slowly to look at the person, and that's when she saw him




Noah couldn't wrap his head around it.

what does his dad mean by ' you're leaving for New York'?

" what's that supposed to mean?" he asked his voice coming out in whispers

" you heard me right son. you're leaving for New York first thing in the morning" his dad said and took out some papers stretching them out to him

" you'll live with your aunt and cousin. I already informed them of your coming. your papers are all ready- documents, passports, visa. I even changed your name" he explained but the last sentence rang a bell in Noah's ears

change your name?

" I...I don't understand" he said dumbfoundedly.

Mr Bryson took a deep breath and sat properly on the couch, then tapped the side for  Noah to come sit

Noah walked sluggishly to the the couch and took the space besides his dad

" believe me son; everything am doing is for you own good - just like everything have ever done and will ever do. Ive always have your best interest at heart and I know this is the right thing to do - the best decision ever. I've thought about it over and over again and slept over it also; and no matter how I see it... it just feels right.... somehow"

" you have a great destiny and you can't or should I say wont be able to achieve it here. I'm sorry this is the only solution I could come up with - but, it's for the best - believe me when i say this. it really is for the best" Mr Bryson poured out his heart

it was also hard for him to let go of his son but he just had to do it

England is no longer good enough for him. he'll remain stagnant for as long as he lives here

starting a new life was the best thing for him to do now....and that's how it's gonna be




sorry for the late update guys

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