This man with blond hair then brought Thomas back into his inn that he was staying in. And in that room, it was if Thomas is being interrogated because of a crime he did.

"First things first, are you really the son of The Terror?" asked the man.

As much as he hates it, Thomas nodded. The man is sensing that Thomas is not lying, which means this man is the real deal. And as he looks closer, they do loo alike, except for their eyes, Edward has black ones. Delgado underestimated this fellow, because to this man, he can sense that this kid has something hiding under his sleeves.

"In any case, here." The man then tossed some healing materials for Thomas to use to treat his wounds.

While he was treating himself, the man sat and then looked at him,

"My name is William Davis, call me Will. I'm from Linp and is set sailed to the seas in search of Edward as I will avenge the town which he destroyed. No one was killed, but still. That town of ours just got liberated from a certain pirate crew just 3 years ago, and then, after 2 months of having independence, those bastards came in and wrecked the place and leaving no chance for us to rebuild." Says William.

So, that drove him to set sail and hunt the man who did it. And right now, he is face to face with his own son, his own blood and flesh. Thomas sighed as he wrapped his wound with bandages. He told William immediately that he will just waste his time with him as even Thomas himself does not know where the hell is his father anyway. Thomas then also pointed out that he does not care even the slightest about that man since he left him alone.

"I hate him, and I just hope he drops dead already. Being the son of his is embarrassing. But sorry for what my father have done to your town." Thomas apologized.

"Well, the sins of your father can't be inherited by you, so, this just means we have the same goal. But what are you going to do now that Delgado is gone?"

Thomas then answered quickly. That he will try to go back to his island and come back home since his town might be worried about him after going missing like this. However, something is driving Thomas to not go back to his town. And it is the fact that he is now out her, so why bother coming back? He kept thinking that this might be a great chance to sail the seas and discover what is really fascinating about it. He also has to hear from his father on why he left him alone just like that and chose to become a pirate himself. Thomas is now confused on what he wants and what he needs to do. He then looked up and just made up his mind,

"Will you mind being pirates with me?" Thomas asked William and that shocked the blond man.

"Huh? You want me to become someone that have enslaved and destroyed our town? No way, I will pass on that." William replied.

"But the thing is, if you want an audience with Edward, then we must become pirates, because pirates sometimes hesitate to attack each other. So, if by any chance we meet them, then you could accomplish your goals and I would accomplish mine. He is my father; he would definitely not kill us once he sees us." Thomas explained.

William sighed as this kid has a point. They both hate that man, but the difference are their goals,

"What is your main goal anyway?" William asked.

"To know what drove my father to the seas. To know what is so great about piracy." Thomas replied.

William sighed as he got no other choice. This might be the best chance he has to come in contact with that man, and if they are lucky, the pirate crew who enslaved their town for years. So, William agreed to become pirates, even though it would confuse his town, but this is all for them anyway, and his progress will just speak for themselves as he would be a different pirate. Not the violent type one, he would only fight if necessary. But he joined under one condition. If Thomas interferes or made his mission fail to kill his father, then William would kill Thomas himself. Thomas agreed with that, as the two then formed their own pirate group. However, there is one massive problem. How can they be pirates without a ship and money? Right now, Thomas only has 3,000 pendz with him. While William has 10,000. And a basic ship would at least cost a million. And what they have right now would only allow them to buy a small fishing boat. And that boat won't even last a day out in the ravenous sea. Thomas then stood up and shook his left leg and it was back to normal,

"Where are you going?" William asked.

"We have a ship that is waiting for us at the southern docks. The ship of the Plundy Pirates. Let's go and get to it before it could be confiscated by the navy." Thomas says.

It was an enemy ship; however, it is a good start as they would have their own ship someday. That ship is just a small sloop pirate ship, and as they reached the ship, they immediately cut the rope and then went on board. William went up and spread the sails. Since Thomas is a fisherman and knows some helmsman job, he was the one who went to steer the ship. As they were leaving, the navy started to arrive in their massive naval ships. And without any warning, the navy started firing cannons at the two new pirates.

"This is bad! William! Get to the cannons and fire at them!" Thomas ordered.

"But if we do that, we will become wanted men for attacking the navy!" William replied.

"Just do it or we'll die! This is our fate! We will become wanted either way!" Thomas yelled.

William sighed and he just went in the ship and then light up some cannons. And when Thomas pointed the part of the ship that have its cannons revealing, William fired at the navy. Just like that, a cannon hits one of the naval ships and it is slowly burning. Thomas is now trying his best to escape and is using everything he know about steering a ship.


It has been 3 hours since the two barely escaped the nay, they are now in the middle of nowhere, without a map, a compass, or anything that would help them to navigate. But luckily, they food to eat while they figure this out.

"We left towards the east from GrimTown. And the eastern island around these parts is got to be Phils, right, William?" Thomas asked.

William nodded. That next island lacks navy, that is why a lot of pirates are there and is just chilling there and is not even worried about their surroundings. That town's citizens are used to that kind of situation, and they just accommodate the pirates so that the pirates won't plunder their town. It is basically a haven for pirates, and they should be safe there. And based on the time they set sailed, there is an hour left until they reach their destination, so they will now rest. Since the ship can't be left alone with no one steering, Thomas stayed up there and just continued to steer while William takes a nap.


"William! William!" Thomas bellowed.

William woke up, he then stood up and went to the bow and sees that they are already in their destination. They are now at the place that is the haven for pirates in this sea. And on that island, someone is there that is waiting for them.

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