The Mages Bathhouse

However, Cressida was still on her mission of detecting Morgan's breathing technique. She and Trevor remained in the library after Stefan left. Both of them tried to arrange some littered books lying around unarranged.

" So Morgan sleeps in the room that is at the very last end? She enquires of Trevor.

" Yes, he enjoys peace and quietness." Trevor answered, collecting the books she had given to him back into the shelf.

"What time does she go to bed?"

" If he is not busy, he normally sleeps early and wake up early too." Trevor was a ladder to reach the top of the shelf. While he paused to attend to Cressida's numerous questions.

" Why did you ask? So you can visit him during his sleep?". Trevor continued to tease her. She smiled sheepishly, turning to face what she was doing. Trevor squats on the ladder to talk to her clearly. "No matter how much you like him, that is wrong. Here is a tip. He always eats at the same hour so go see him in the dining room." He concluded.

" All right."
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