Experimented Breaths

Morgan, who had earlier attempted to help her stand, relented. She rushed up and jumped on him again reaching out to his stomach when she saw the pet bird whistle tied to his waist. Morgan pushed her away mildly and the whistle fell to the ground unnoticed.

" You must be after my breathing technique, you keep reaching out to my core of energy." He said.

" But I am in love with you." She said innocently.

"You're such an adept liar. I bet that move earlier was martial arts too."

" I lived a harsh life, so I learned a few moves just to keep myself safe."

" Are you doing this for Stefan? I guess he is trying to control the torrent of energy inside him. But Stefan will not succeed even with my breathing technique. Stop wasting your time. Just get yourself treated and leave." He walks out on her. Cressida was speechless, standing there and watching him leave. She bent down to get the whistle that had fallen. It was the same as it was years ago. It brought back memories of when Morgan and El
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