Ghwyr still couldn’t believe the chance that he has. It was like Lady Salidas had smiled upon him and gave him a chance to become an honorary part of one of the greatest parties the Guild has every had. The party of the Iron Bears was most renowned for their recklessness and bravery. Some would call them heroes while partly panned as fools by those whom they have come across.

If they were who they say they were, then, the big man he had talked to earlier was undoubtably Bjorn Bearskin. The only known berserker in the kingdom. A man famous for his crazy deeds as much as the heroic feats he had made throughout his illustrious career.

He felt happy and nervous at the same time to be with such prestigious group. Bjorn assigned him along with the golden-haired healer, Frejr and the mysterious swordsman only known by the name, Arenviel. These members were fairly new to his party. The original members disbanded at the same time that he decided to travel to Evalom.

Ghwyr couldn’t forget that day, three years ago when he arrived at the capital. He saw a huge line of people queueing by the Guild Hall. When he asked about it, he learned that the iron bears were looking for new members and today was their only day of audition.

He remembered lining up and trying to get a form for him to sign up for the audition. Unfortunately, the day ended, and the line didn’t even move for him. He found out a few days later that the audition ended during the day and that there were just those grifters seeking opportunity of the situation that siphoned the people over to their side and tried selling so-called priority numbers to the audition.

He was lucky he didn’t continue on with the audition or else, he would’ve lost a substantial amount of money to charlatans. Well, not that it mattered. He lost all of his money the following day, stolen by some thief while he slept at the open grounds in the park.

Just the thought of that day and the hardships he has been through made him smile. Who would have thought he would find himself in the company of the kingdom’s most famous party? He shook his head and tried to check whether he was dreaming or not… obviously, he wasn’t.

“Mr. Ghwyr…” Frejr called his name, but he wasn’t paying attention. “Mr. Ghwyr—”

Suddenly he felt the cold and horribly smelling liquid splattered into his face.

“Bleeurrgghhh… it almost got into my mouth.” Ghwyr spat the liquid that touched his lips.

“You weren’t paying attention, Halfling.” The swordsman replied.

“Was that really necessary?” Frejr raised an eyebrow.

“Would you prefer a blade on your throat?” He glared at Ghwyr.

The halfling shook his head attentively.

“That’s what I thought.” The swordsman nodded. “Let’s continue and this time, stop daydreaming. It would be embarrassing if you die because you were not paying attention.” He added.

“Arenviel! That’s too much!” Frejr protested. “I just healed him!” She said.

“I know you for your excellent healing prowess.” He said. “I am very confident that you healed him well. So, I know that he’s just not paying heed to his surroundings rather than still being inflicted with some poison.” He explained and continued walking.

Ghwyr and Frejr immediately followed the swordsman through the pathway until they reached the end of the tunnel. As they walked behind the swordsman, he finally noticed the two swords the man was armed with. A regular sword holstered at the left side of his waist, and another sword wrapped in black cloth that he slung on his back.

“We are here. The fourth tunnel.” Ghwyr said. “This would’ve been the one we should’ve been cleaning before that monster showed up.” He said.

“Stand back.” Arenviel said. “I need to check on something.” He raised his hand and chanted under his breath.

A white ball of pulsating light appeared hovering on the swordsman’s hand. It was a beautiful and bright light, even brighter than the fireflies Old Man Logue had. The bright ball scattered on the air and began to trace something. The light swam on the dark waters illuminating it as it sought for something far beyond where they were.

One strobe in particular danced along his feet before dashing towards the last tunnel at the western end of the sewer. Suddenly, the swordsman unsheathed his sword holstered on his waist and signaled the both of them to stay behind him.

“Arm yourselves.” Arenviel whispered. “We have company.” Just as he said this, the strobe of light that ran through the last tunnel exploded.

Ghwyr could hear the monsters screeching in agony as the swordsman made a pre-emptive attack. The monsters came out of the tunnel angrily shrieking. Their silhouettes were closely identical to the same monsters that killed those men earlier, but he couldn’t be sure due to the darkness.

“Stand back, Mr. Ghwyr.” The golden-haired priestess pushed him behind her. “Fiat Lux!” She raised her hand, and a warm golden light illuminated the entire tunnel. “Now, we’ll have a better of them.” She said.

The monsters were more than what Ghwyr expected. The last tunnel was full of its ilk. The rest of the monsters got out of the tunnel and began attacking them, some dashed towards them, while others crawled on the walls like insects trying to get them.

“This is a hive!” Arenviel declared. “Warn the others, Frejr!” He commanded.

The golden-haired healer whistled loudly, a code that was unique to their party. After that, she immediately summoned her staff and assumed her battle stance.

“Halfling!” The swordsman shouted. “Come forward and defend this line!” He drew a white glowing line in the water. “Do not let these creatures get past this.” He stepped forward beyond the line.

Ghwyr quickly did the same and held the axe with both hands as they waited for the monsters to reach them.  

“This would be very bloody.” Arenviel said. “Stand your ground, halfling… and make sure not to die!” He swung his sword into the air, releasing a line of bright light that immediately decapitated some of the charging monsters.

“I can’t do anymore spell for now.” The swordsman said. “Frejr, grant us protection… we’re charging through.” He commanded once again.

Frejr simply nodded and began chanting a protection spell at them.

Ghwyr saw a golden light wrapping his body. It felt warm and somehow boosted his strength. He looked at the swordsman who seemed to be content with the spell casted on him.

“Don’t fall behind, halfling.” He said before meeting the monsters halfway at the tunnel.

Ghwyr followed behind him and saw the swarm of monsters jumping into them trying to overwhelm them. However, he wasn’t worried or afraid with what he saw. If anything, he was excited. He swung his axe and struck one of the creatures at it landed in front of him, slicing it into two.

But he shouldn’t celebrate about it. He only killed one of the kin from their overwhelming numbers. His heart pounded violently against his chest as he swung the axe repeatedly while his bracelet glowed brighter with every strike.

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