Chapter 26

"Why is the basement so bad?"Rico inquired.

Jake responded, "Pathogen lab."They have items that will cause your eyes to pop out, your skin to fall off, and your brain to drain out of your nose.

Paul said, "That's not true," and then thought again.That might be true, in fact.

As if trying to determine whether the two men were serious or just playing with him, Rico looked between them.He simply muttered, "Sorry, I asked."

"So, Paul, are you still here since the outbreak?"Richard posed the question in a rhetorical manner without pausing for a response.Does anyone else reside on the base?”

Paul gave a left and right head shake.Simply whoever you brought along with you.

"How about the zombies?Do you know of any on the base itself?

"The basement is the only thing that could hurt you here.You won't have to worry about anything if you stay out of it.

Although Marshall simply nodded and said, "Okay," his expression seemed to suggest that he did not fully comprehend that response.He seemed cont
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