Chapter 6

As a result of the boy sleeping over by the fire, it had seemed like the best place to begin redefining my life's purpose was with good deeds, or nobler goals, other than my current pursuits.Despite the fact that it was too late to turn back now, I was not at all certain that I had taken the correct course in transforming my character.Both the boy and the secret information that I carried in a waterproof bag on the horse behind me were my responsibility.

I started on the road to achieving my goal as soon as I looked for an opportunity to rethink my life.A clever act of timing had brought me my new desire to change;which supported the idea that my life was part of a larger, more comprehensive plan.

Again, I could see evidence of a higher power involved in the interaction of the daily emotional mixture that is life when I thought of my parents.They were who they were because of their knowledge of the Divine nature that underlies all creation's excellence.Because of the choices they had made and the strengths they had used to organize their lives, they had been great role models.I wasn't even close to being like them!I could only imagine how my mother would feel about my life choices.

"She would love you and be willing to forgive you, just as I would love you and be willing to forgive you; however, you must refrain from doing what you know displeases Me!"

When the voice first whispered into my consciousness a few weeks ago, I was aware of its origin.In order to assist me in finding my way, it had been the overwhelming, intense feeling of the Author of life that had spoken to me as a child and had recently continued to prod my consciousness into action.

The voice of the Creator had been a source of encouragement that had filtered into my soul during my darkest moments in the dungeons and in the arenas above. It had sustained me with the hope that one day life would be better and that it was worth it to continue fighting for one more day.

I was ready to accept the first opportunity presented to me to begin my life's journey in a new way when that familiar voice in my consciousness completed the decision-making process for me.Because this path promised death at every turn, I just hoped that I had chosen the right opportunity.I had been desperate for change, and I had no idea how many more times I would receive mercy, if any.It would be completely intolerable and pointless to face life without that glimmer of hope.

Several weeks prior, I had made the decision to make a change that night.I had taken my horse back to camp from a scenic natural area where I went when my thoughts were heavy or my spirit was heavy.I arrived back at the camp to find a visitor waiting for me.Since he didn't look like a horse thief, I knew he had to be a man of some importance and influence because his horse had been an exceptional beast.He was a Valley Lander, or close enough to be one, which had never happened before in Zoarinian-held territory.

As I dismounted by the fire, his gaze had been fixed on me.I was curious as to why the others had allowed him to live and not brought him to our concealed camp.He talked.

"Are you who they refer to as the Zeventhal?"

I was once more perplexed as to why such a man would take the risk of being here because his steady gaze displayed a ready intelligence.

I replied, "I used to be known by that name, but I no longer am called by that name."My name is Jasper.

He smiled and reached out his right hand to me, but I declined.As I left his hand in the air, he extended it for a moment longer, appearing uneasy.He let go of his hand and moved it to his side.

"To find you, I have traveled a long and risky route.With a slightly aggrieved tone, he said, "I hope it was worth the effort."

I responded, "So you have, and your perilous journey will end tonight, as you will not leave this camp alive unless you convince me otherwise."

I waited for him to speak, drawing him out with my silence as the seriousness of my words caused his face to slightly whiten.

“I, as you have surely guessed, am a Valley Lander, a sworn enemy to the people of this land, the Zoarinians,” he began slowly, as if considering his words carefully.However, we are not enemies by choice; rather, the Zoarinians initiated the current state of war between our two peoples as a direct result of their ongoing aggression toward us as a result of disagreements from long ago.We have been anticipating their complete assault on us for some time.

"What is my connection to any of this?"I drew a knife from my belt, looked at him suggestively as I tested its edge for sharpness with my thumb, and asked, feigning disinterest.

He asked, "Are you aware of who your father was?" with a desperate tone.

I didn't show it, but now that he had my attention, I asked, "Why don't you tell me?"In a measured voice, I asked.

He was the heir to a large estate and even a castle and the son of one of the most powerful Valley Lander families ever.When nearly successful attempts were made to kill his wife, he was about to take over from his father.He vanished with his wife and newborn son one morning, shortly after the final attempt to kill his wife. They were never heard from again.After years of searching, his father finally located where he had been living in the Hills of Ernor under his wife's maiden name, but it was too late.Your father and his wife's bodies, as well as the body of a son who was born later, were discovered.The oldest son was said to have been taken south and sold as a slave to a fighting school.

I was extremely shocked to learn that both my younger brother and mother had passed away.My efforts to help them had been futile.All of them were dead!The hazy and elusive hope of one day seeing my family again vanished.

"Did you not know that they all perished?My apologies for the harm my words have caused you!He spoke gently.

"Continue with your narrative; how did you come across me?"I asked indignantly.

"Your grandfather never stopped trying to find you.He dispatched some agents to conduct an investigation after hearing about a slave fighter in one of the southern cities who matched the men in your family's description.They realized that you were the person they were looking for.Several times, your grandfather attempted to save you, but he was unsuccessful.When he heard that you had escaped, he began preparing a second attempt to rescue you.Since then, he has been looking for you.He used a lot of money to find out the identity of one of your contacts.We were able to piece together a likely location where we might find you from him and a few other sources.With your grandfather's approval, I was sent by the Valley Lands' ruling high council.We want you to return home and establish yourself as a member of our family.Will you return?”

I paid close attention to him because my instinct told me there had to be more to this.I presume after I perform something for your high council first," I retorted.

“You have the same way of reading the unspoken as your grandfather does,” he softly chuckled.Although it is true that the high council has something of extreme interest that they would like you to acquire and bring back to the Valley Lands with you, this is not a requirement for your return.Jasper, you are welcome to return at any time.You alone are in control of the decision.

The Valley Lander began to give the impression of being nervous once more as if he feared that I hadn't believed him during the prolonged silence.What exactly does the council wish to have returned to them?I pressed.

The man exclaimed, "We have essentially been cut off from the rest of the world," with a sigh of relief.One of our valuable spies, who lives in the city of Kharta, has gone missing, and this is especially concerning.We are hostile to all of this."I was surprised that I was able to get this far without being stopped," he said, gesturing around him.For years, the spy has gathered vital information for us, but we haven't been able to get in touch with him.We believe that he is still alive, and we are hoping that he knows when and how strong the attack that will be launched against us will be, as well as any weaknesses that the enemy might have.If we are to preserve the freedom of the Valley Lands and protect them, we absolutely require that intelligence.I would attempt to get in touch with the spy myself, but I have no knowledge of the lands further south, and it is a miracle, as I have already stated, that I have been able to locate you this far.We only need you to go to Kharta, find our spy, get any information you can from him if you can, and then return home.He gave me an uneasy glance.

I saw those accumulated around and realize that my choice would not have been one popular with my friends. "So, how can I get in touch with your Kharta spy?

They all awoke to a chorus of surprised grunts and exclamations when I said that.Now that the firelight had flickered onto their faces and cast strange shadows, they were all looking at me.Despite the crew's rough appearance, I knew their finer points.In a way, they had become like my lost family to me.

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