Chapter 14: A Stormy Wind!

When the boy moved, Spiky walked up and dragged his tired self towards Ana.

Feeling the pup at her feet, Ana bent and rubbed his back. She glanced back at the others and they were still standing in silence, except Nova.

Nova looked between Natalie and Elias, she knew that tension was drawn among them but she didn't know why. "Why are you just standing? What is it?" She twisted her brows into a frown when she saw that no one answered her. Awkward and curious, Nova drifted to Elias's side and tugged at his wrist. "Why is Natalie not replying?" She couldn't understand how Natalie hadn't retorted since Elias spoke. Meanwhile, Elias had frozen in place from shock. He lowered his head, stared at her confused gaze and he slowly answered. "I don't know." He wasn't being truthful, that he knew and he also knew how Natalie felt about him. If she had been a good and kind person, he wouldn't have been harsh to her but even if she was kind, she was not Nova. He would never consider her good enough
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