Chapter 6

"Oh, Shane, for the sake of Yisu, get up, come with us, and tell us what you are doing with this child," they said.

Shane got up.The general placed his hand on the boy's shoulder as he followed, but he did not move to join the men at the table.

"I need to speak with Ma'ikel alone, if you please, Your Majesty," I said.

The king raised his eyebrows.Oh?And what exactly are you prohibited from saying in front of your king?

"This boy, sire, is the subject.I regret that I am unable to say more at this time.

King Tomas looked at the youngster in front of him and grinned.The king had curly brown hair that fell to his shoulders and sparkling brown eyes. He was a handsome man.

"Who is he?"

"Your Majesty, I am unaware.I hope Ma'ikel can assist me in that regard.

The king's scowl got worse.

"Kid, look at me."

Shane quickly stated, "He cannot, sire." as the boy stiffened.He has been instructed to ignore everyone.


"Sire, I regret not being able to tell you."

General, "You cannot tell me, or you will not tell me?"

"No, Your Majesty, I cannot.Not right now.

Tomas looked at his general.Shane, are you serious?”

Yes, sire, that's very serious.I apologize."

The king made a dismissive hand gesture.Don't feel bad.Ma'ikel and you will, I'm sure, tell me later what you think I need to know.He looked over at the person sitting next to him.Isn't that true?

The other man at the table had dark hair that curled just past his ears and skin that was much darker than that of any other Torkeln man.Although he appeared to be around 25 years old, Shane knew he was at least 100 times older.He looked at the king with violet eyes.Naturally, Tomas.I always inform you of everything you need to know.

“No.”The king raised a warning finger.You inform me of what you believe I should know.There is a distinction.

Ma'ikel gave a brief head tilt as he grinned.That's true, but you should know that you don't need to know anything if I don't tell you something.

You always say that.Okay, go, you two.If you must, speak in private.As Ma'ikel stood and moved to Shane, he turned to look at the papers on the table.

He said, "Come, Shane, let us go to my room."

After giving a nod, Shane picked up the child with his head down once more.Ma'ikel led them down a dark corridor through a door behind the throne without saying a word.He let Shane in by opening a door about a dozen steps down the hall.The sunlight that came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows on one wall lit the room's interior.Ma'ikel looked at his friend as he shut the door and leaned against it.

Shane: "So, who is the boy?"

The boy was turned around and stood up by the general.He held him against his legs and draped his arms over his short shoulders.The boy remained focused on the ground.

"When I said I don't know, I was being honest, but I do know one thing."Anmah is him.

“What?That cannot be true.

The answer is no.You can now look up, boy.

The infant's head slowly ascended until it met a violet gaze.Ma'ikel took a deep breath through his teeth as his eyes widened.He softly repeated, "Impossible," before dropping to his knees and taking the boy's head in his hands.

The boy whined and tried to get away, but the Anmah held on tightly.Little one, do not be afraid, he said with tenderness.You won't hurt me.Do you comprehend?”

Ma'ikel raised an eyebrow to look up at Shane as the boy made no indication that he did.Is his head still intact?”

Shane replied, "It is."

So, how come you don't know who he is?Didn't he inform you?”

He refuses to speak.Well, at least not while he is awake.

Ma'ikel let go of the boy's head, and he turned around and frowned at Shane with his little lips tightly pressed together.

"Boy, you yelled in your sleep.You summoned your infant.

The boy's eyes started to well up with tears, and as he reached for the token that was around his neck, he hung his head.He took himself out of Shane's grasp, made his way to the chilly fireplace, and then fell to the floor in front of it.He positioned his head on his knees and wrapped his arms around his legs.As he cried, the men could see his shaking shoulders.

"Shane, tell me everything."Ma'ikel spoke with sternness.Everything, from how you found him to what you know about him.

Shane complied.The Anmah's face darkened as he told his friend about the boy's death.

“Twelve?”He exhaled. "Within four moons only?He gave the boy, who had only begun rocking back and forth, a quick glance.What keeps him sane?To reach a dozen deaths, it took me nearly 500 years.

“However, my friend, you were only 27 when you first passed away.He had to cross the Parbatas to get here, and he is only six years old.I have no idea how he felt through that.Think about it, Ma'ikel, a hundred leagues.He went through 100 leagues of heat, cold, animals, and dangers to get here.Alone.And still sane, as you stated.

“Amazing.I've never witnessed anything like it in such a young Anmah.There were only a few Anmah who were this young when they died, but they were surrounded by people who understood who and what they were and were able to lead them.Ma'ikel gave the boy his full attention before turning to look at his friend.I understand what we must do."

What exactly is that?

"He will remain at the palace here.You will be his physical training guide, and I will serve as his intellectual and spiritual Siskaska."

“Me?That is not possible, Ma'ikel.I'm only here for a furlough of two weeks.After that, I'll return to my company.

“Nonsense.I will speak with Tomas, who will transfer you to this position as General of the Guard.The position is currently unfilled.At the moment, a captain is the officer in the Guard with the highest rank.It would be a great privilege."

Shane looked at his friend while cocking his head.Indeed, to be general of the guard would be a tremendous honor.What was the former general's fate?

He passed away a week ago.Lung disease."

"And do you believe you can win King Tomas's approval for this?"

Ma'ikel smiled, showing off even white teeth.I'm sure I can."

The self-assurance of his friend made Shane giggle.Okay, thanks.I'm all for it.He noticed that the boy was closely following them as he looked over at the fireplace.Boy, what do you think?Do you wish to remain with us here?”

The boy gave a slow nod and the violet eyes briefly lit up.Shane extended his hand to him.

"Then, come here, and I will properly introduce you," she said.

The boy got up and ran toward the men.He was dragged to the side by Shane.

"I would like you to meet this boy, Ma'ikel.I'd tell you his name, but he won't say it, and I don't know it.This is Ma'ikel, boy.He will instruct you on everything you need to know about being Anmah.How do you feel about that?

Ma'ikel raised his eyebrows when the boy extended his hand, but he covered the short arm with his large hand.Even the older Anmah's arm could not be reached by the boy's hand.

“It was a pleasure to meet you, little one, but we cannot continue to refer to you as a boy.Let me check.Can you compose?”

The kid gave a head shake.

That seems to be a problem.Therefore, I will simply need to select a name for you.That is, unless you decide to use your real name.What about Frank?” Shane asked.

Ma'ikel gave a thoughtful nod.That is a fine moniker.powerful and strong.a decent moniker for an Anmah."He gave the boy a look.What are your thoughts?

Before nodding, the young man shook his head and looked into the same eyes as himself.

“Good.It truly is.We must present you to the king, so come now.

They proceeded to return to the throne room.Tomas had not moved, but as the two men and the child got closer, he raised his head.

“So?Have you decided that I need some information?”

Ma'ikel replied with a grin, "I have."He led the child to the king by taking him by the hand.We would like you to meet someone, Shane and I.Frank is here.This is King Tomas of Mahadesa, Frank.

Tomas said, putting his hands on his knees and looking at the boy who was standing in front of him with his head bowed, "Nice to meet you, Frank."Will you now glance at me?”

When the general nodded, the boy slowly turned to look at the king as he glanced to his left, where Shane was standing.Tomas didn't even raise his eyebrows when he saw the Anmah's violet eyes; he just kept his composure.

"Who are you, Ma'ikel?How is it possible that you were unaware of him?

The king was informed of everything that was known about the boy for the next hour.Tomas's pale reaction to the news of the boys' deaths was very similar to Ma'ikel's.

A lunar average of three?Ma'ikel, has that ever occurred before?

"To my knowledge, Tomas, and I know almost the entire history of the Anmah," she replied.He gave the two men a look.You are aware that Anmahs cannot die from the same cause twice, but what you may not be aware of is that they can still be harmed by it.Since Shane said that the boy first died from a sword, he can't be killed again by a bladed weapon, but he can be stabbed and still hurt.He can still drown, be attacked by an animal, or fall from a height.Of course, he will recover quickly, but the pain will be excruciating until he does.

Shane interjected, stating, "So, he can still starve, but he will not die."


Then, that makes a lot of sense.When I found him last night, he was covered in bone and flesh.He guffawed.He ate three full bowls of porridge this morning and twice as much stew from Millere as I did last night.

"When did you discover him last night?"Ma'ikel asked, his face looking thoughtful.

Why, about an hour before it gets dark?

As if to clear his head, the Anmah shook his head.Nothing;It has no bearing.

Ma'ikel brought up the idea of Shane becoming the new Guard General, and Tomas immediately agreed when the conversation returned to the boy's circumstances.

"That is an incredible concept.I considered elevating one of the captains to the position, but I'd much rather have you keep me safe, Shane.

Shane replied, "Yes, sire, if that is your will."

“It is.Presently, what are you going to do about Forthright?"

Ma'ikel stated, "He will be under my tutelage as far as the Anmah and his education are concerned," and "Shane can teach him to fight when he is a little older."He took a moment to look at the boy who had left the men to look at the tapestries.I couldn't say whether it will work out, yet I have an unmistakable inclination that he will become Sainika."

Shane looked at his friend with a frown.Anmah, warrior?Why do you believe that?Has one not existed for millennia already?”

Ma'ikel gave a nod.Almost 5,000 years ago.long before my initial death."Shane studied him as the thoughtful look came back.It wasn't unusual for his friend to conceal something, he was aware.Ma'ikel only told you what he thought you ought to know, as the king had stated, and it appears that this was not one of those things.

"And until he grows up?""Said King Tomas.How will he be handled up until then?

Shane came forward.I have an idea about that, Your Majesty.


You are aware that neither my wife nor I have been successful in having children of our own.I would like to find out if she would be interested in adopting Frank as our son and sire.

The king laughed.Another brilliant concept!The three of you can immediately move into the general's quarters.

"Thirty, sire?"

"Of course,The guardsmen's dorm is not far from a suite of rooms in the palace.Millere and you will, I'm sure, feel right at home there."

"I'm grateful, sire.We absolutely will."Shane noticed the boy on the dais tracing his fingers along the king's throne as he looked around.Frank, please come here.He returned his gaze to Tomas.I apologize, sire.

Don't be concerned about it.He doesn't know better and is innocent.One of the many lessons you will need to teach him is proper respect for the crown.

"Yes, lord."Shane picked up the boy when he got to the table and put him on his lap.Frank, would you like to live here in the palace with me?Ma'ikel will teach you how to be an Anmah, and I will care for you and teach you everything you need to know about men's ways.Do you approve of that idea?

The child gave a nod.Other than that, he held his token tightly in his hand and displayed absolutely no emotion.

Shane smiled and said, "Good," before turning to face his king.If that is not enough, Your Majesty, I would like to locate Millere and inform her of the events.

"Is she with you in the city?"

"Yes, sire, she wanted to ensure that the boy was cared for."

The king responded, "Well, now it will be her official duty to ensure he is."We've finished here.After you have located her, request that one of the guardsmen lead you to your new quarters.After that, use the crown to take Frank to the stores and buy him and you everything you think will be needed.I suppose he doesn't have much right now?

"That's exactly what he's wearing, sire.When I found him, we burned the rest of what he had on him.

"That awful?"

Yes, sire, that is awful.

“Well, just show this to the shopkeepers and you will have no problems,” the king wrote on a piece of paper and gave it to Shane.

Shane took a deep breath as he took a look at the paper.He was able to purchase anything from the shops and bill the palace for it thanks to this.

"Your Majesty, this is unacceptable to me.It is excessive.

“Rubbish.Consider it a reward for accepting your new position.

“General Johnson, you would not insult me by refusing my gift, would you?” "But—"

Shane took a deep breath and bowed his head.No, sire, of course not.I apologize."

“Good.You may leave.

After a brief moment of lowering himself to his left knee, Shane stood and took three steps backward.After that, he took Frank by the hand and moved in the direction of the door.

"And overall?"

He turned around again.Sure, sire?

There will be no slacking off in the stores.As is appropriate for your position, I want you and your lovely wife to feel at ease.

"Yes, lord."Before grinning, Shane turned his back on his king.He didn't like the idea of living in the kind of splendor the king obviously wanted, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it.The two guards standing outside noticed when he opened the door to the throne room.Shane gave the one to his right a close look.

Do you know if my wife has arrived at the palace, guardsman?

I have not heard, sir.However, the guards at the main entrance would be aware.

"I'm grateful."

Frank's grip tightened as Shane and Frank made their way back through the palace and through the columns to the main door.Shane stood in front of one of the guardsmen once he was outside.

"Have my parents and wife yet entered the palace?"

General, no.Since you entered, no one else has.”

Shane considered trying to locate them, but ultimately decided against it.It would be better for him to find his quarters and settle in.

Guardsman, I need three messengers.

"Yes, sir, immediately."The soldier blew three loud blasts with a thin gold whistle out of his pocket.Three young boys, each about twelve years old, stood at attention in front of the general with their fists crossed over their hearts less than a minute later. They were all dressed in black, from their shirts to their boots.

Shane said, "You go into the market and ask around for Millere Johnson," pointing to each of them in succession.Bring her and the two elders here to the palace when you find her, and inform me immediately.You are to visit the Guard Captain and the Chatra Captain.Inform them that General Johnson would like them to visit his quarters.And I need you to point me in the right direction.

General, "Yes!"Two of the boys ran off quickly, one down the steps and the other around the palace's side, after the loud boys' words.The third person stood and waited for Shane, stiff and silent.

“Well?”The general declared,Set the example.

Yes, lord!The boy entered the palace after passing Shane.

When he felt a pull on his sleeve, Shane was about to follow.He noticed Frank's questioning expression as he looked down.He followed the older child behind after taking the boy's hand.

"A concern?"

A small finger pointed at the back of the boy in front of them when someone nodded.

“Ah, yes.He is a Chatra, a trainee guardsman.

Frank's chest was where the finger was pointing when it turned.

“You?Would you like to be a Chatra?A second nod

“Hmm.Maybe one day.However, in order to join their ranks, you need to be at least ten years old.That is a respectable four years away.

Frank jerked his hand away and stopped in the middle of the hallway, shocking Shane.His thin arms were crossed over his chest, his lips were pressed together, and his violet eyes were glowing brightly from anger.

Chatra, slow down!As Shane knelt in front of Frank, the boy in front of them stopped right away and turned to look at them.What's going on?”

As he once more pointed to the Chatra and then to himself, the boy gave Shane a glare.

I told you that you could grow up to be a Chatra.

Frank gave a sharp head shake, stomped his bare foot, and pointed decisively to the ground.In an effort to avoid smiling at the child, not out of resentment, Shane pressed his own lips together.

“Now?Now you want to be one."

Shane glanced over his shoulder at the Chatra who was waiting for him as the boy nodded.Shane could tell that the soon-to-be guardsman was also trying not to smile by biting his bottom lip.He returned his focus to the young Anmah.

However, no child of your age has ever been admitted to their ranks.Ever.”Shane placed his hand on the boy's shoulder as the child's lip curled and his chest growled.However, that does not preclude me from imparting some knowledge.Is that enough for the time being?

Frank began to walk as the rage burned in his eyes as the lip relaxed.

Shane stood and once more took Frank's hand. "Carry on, Chatra," he said.

"Yes, Mr.

As they continued down the hallway, Shane muttered to himself, "Sainika, indeed."

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