Yasuke, Chapter 2 : Yasuke's Origins Part 2

"Keep in mind that this is what you asked for!" Botaro stated. 

Eradius rushed towards Botaro as his chi flowed around his feet. 

"Ferocious style?" Botaro thought. "He's stronger than I thought" 

            *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* 

Botaro was able to catch Erad's first two kicks, but the third one connected. Botaro's body was pushed back as a result of the force. Amadia's chi caused rocks to float around her. As she thrusted her arms forwards, the rocks began to soar towards Botaro. Erad jumped out of the way as Botaro cover this head and chest with his arms. 

                        *TINK* *TINK* *TINK* 

Once the rocks came into contact with Botaro's skin, they were absorbed. 

"You two aren't half bad, actually" Botaro stated as the rocks began to blast out of his skin. "It's a shame you have to die" 

Erad and Amadia barely evaded the rocks, as Botaro charged at them. 

"Hardening style, Iron Fist" Botaro stated as his chi gathered at his arms. 


Botaro rushed forwards with a punch that sent Erad flying. 

"Eradius!" Amadia yelled. 

Eradius landed just a few feet in front of the house. Botaro slowly walked towards him. Amadia leaped in front of him, but was quickly smacked away. 

"It's no use" Amadia stated as she pulled herself up after landing on her back. "Regular attacks won't work on him." 

Botaro rose his fist in the air, prepared to end Eradius with one last strike. 

"Between me and you, Young Lord Nobunaga didn't send me here to harm anyone. But lying is something I personally cannot tolerate. If you were to become a traitor for your sister's sake, you could have been honest about the reasons for your actions. But now...you must die." 

The rock under Botaro started flowing with chi and formed a dome around him. Eradius looked to Amadia, who was sending her chi through the ground. 

"What? When did you reach enlightenment stage three?" Eradius wondered. 

"I've been doing a little training" Amadia replied. "But, that's not important now. I believe he's also achieved stage three, which means he will break free soon. You have to take Yasuke and go to Neserus." 

"What? You cannot expect me to just leave you here. I got involved in this so you could go." 

"No, if Yasuke has the power of the Black Dahlia, you are the only one that will be able to teach him how to use it. And don't worry about Botaro. I know he may seem like a heartless brute, but he couldn't bring himself to kill a woman, I know that for sure. If I was to leave right now, as soon as he broke free, he would kill you." 

"What am I supposed to do in Neserus anyway?" 

"You two are way too valuable to kill. Yasuke's conditions and your knowledge on agriculture will keep them from doing anything to you." 

Eradius went into the house and grabbed Yasuke and took the bag he prepared for Amadia. 

"I can feel his chi through this rock...he's going to break out soon. Go now!" Amadia demanded. 

Eradius turned his back to Amadia, and began walking to his only horse, Abel. He set his things and secured Yasuke on the side of the saddle. Before mounting the horse, he looked back at Amadia. 

"Once Yasuke learns how to control the Black Dahlia, I'll be waiting on you two to come for me." Amadia concluded. 

Eradius gave a kick nod, before disappearing around the corner on his horse. 

Meanwhile, inside the rock dome, Botaro was concentrating a surplus amount of chi. The rocks around him were flowing with his chi, which started to overpower Amadia's. Soon, the rocks formed apart, and we're just hovering in a circle around the area. 

"So, you're also on stage three." He stated as he began to walk towards Amadia. "I suppose you are of use to us. After you help us track down your brother, you should be in good graces with everyone. Hopefully, you'll fit right in to The Order." 

Every King had his royal subjects including the people, his family which were recognized as princes, queens, and princesses, and the honorary titles of power : Knights, Bishop, and Pawns. The division of power split between the Bishop, Knights, and Pawns was labelled "The Order". Each Bishop had a group of knights under them, who serve as the military of a kingdom. The pawns were junior knights in training, and served as a Knight's student and assistant.

"You could start off as a pawn, but you'd quickly rise into the title of Knight" Botaro stated. "This could be good for me" 

"Like i'd want to serve under you" Amadia uttered. 

"You don't really have a choice" Botaro stated as he built a bit of chi is his hand. 



He rushed forwards and chopped Amadia in the side of her neck, rendering her unconscious. 

"It's not like you were a good merchant anyway" Botaro concluded. 

Farmers and merchants, people like Eradius and Amadia, were people who were not originally from the Kingdom but granted all of the perks of being a citizen of the kingdom in exchange for their expertise. Farmers grew crops for food and researched herbs for chi users and merchants sold valuable items and weapons. This was all under the discretion of the Bishop. 

Botaro picked Amadia's unconscious body up and secured her on the side of his horse. 

"I guess I'll have to return to collect the final harvest." Botaro thought as he made his way back to the Kingdom. "We'll need everything we can get...we won't have a farmer for awhile" 

Farmers were a big part of a Kingdom's prosperity. Crops were important for the people and all non-chi users. But, herbs were of upmost importance for people who utilized chi. One of the main methods for gathering chi was the photosynthesis method, in which one would surround themselves with various plant-life and absorb the Chi that was constantly secreted through them. This process would minimize any feelings of hunger or thirst that one could have. It was also rumored that once someone was to reach the final stage of enlightenment labelled "Nirvana", the need to eat and drink water would be eradicated.

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