we're wizards (II)


hearing the unfamiliar term, a look of confusion appeared on the trio's faces.

"yes, Wizards!" Said Elric as he gave them a look of affirmation. In fact, ever since he realised he was in a different world, the first thing that came to his mind was wizards and dragons.

Unfortunately, the herd reality of this world quickly told him there was no such thing as wizards, thankfully with the A.I. chip he had the opportunity to create it.

thinking back to those mysterious powerful wizards with long white beards and robes written in novels and movies back on the blue star he suddenly felt excited

"Wizards are people who have a never-ending thirst for knowledge, they are people capable of studying the natural phenomena in their surroundings and manipulating it for their use!" Said Elric with an impassioned glint in his eyes.

Hearing this, although the three of them had never seen a wizard just from Elric's explanation alone, they had already developed an inexplicable yearning for t
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