Chapter 53 - Cinder Burn & Dam Son’s Rematch

Dam Son, Xuan Li and Sugar Bun were on their way to the Tower of Residence to get cleaned up after a hard day of training. They were walking through the streets completely soaked in the nutritious water from the Sea of Verbs.

“Whew, Master Jin really knows how to work us to a tired tail.” Sugar Bun sighed. He felt more haggard when he reflected on the arduous training he had just been through.

“At least the geezer gave us a break this time around. It wasn’t as hard as the mountain climbing training.” Though he was also tired, Xuan Li was excited to have learnt the very basics of manifesting Natural verb Force. “The fish training wasn’t all that bad.”

“You’re only saying that because you’ve reaped a lot of benefits.” Dam Son told him.

“So what if did? Soon I will surpass you Dark-Human, so you better prepare yourself.”

“I don’t view that as a problem, surpass all you want.” Saying this, Dam Son willingly slowed his speed to allow Xuan Li to walk ahead of him.

“Hey, what do you think y
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