Looking for New Techniques

"Dragon-coded target this time, what do you think, Max?" asked Karen in a flat tone. She and Max are on their way back to Karen's house after talking to Boss.

"Damian wants you to kill him a few hours before the event starts, right?" Max asked to make sure he hadn't heard it wrong. Max said their boss's name casually, there was not the slightest fear of the name.

"Hum. You've heard it yourself. Just imagining it gives me a headache. How to approach a head of state in the G-20 forll definitely stay in a hotel that has a tight guard."

Max listened to Karen talking while driving the car. His face remained flat even though his attention was entirely on Karen.

"Have you ever thought of a new technique of killing? You don't have to use your old technique and also don't have to abandon it, you could just combine it with the new technique."

"New technique?" Karen sat up straight, intrigued.

"Yes. For example, using a knife, gun, or something else and applying your homemade poison to that weapon. Didn't you ever think of this?" asked Max, glancing at Karen through the rearview mirror in the middle of the car. Karen sits on the right side of the back while he drives on the left side. So it was easy for him to see Karen's movements through the middle rearview mirror.

The street lights alternately highlighted Karen's side face. Compared to being highlighted by the camera, Karen seems more sensual in this kind of ordinary state.

"No. I've never thought about it," Karen replied, touching her chin. Her mind thought of Max's words. "Mixing poison with sharp weapons, it seems interesting," she said then enthusiastically.

"Have you thought of something?" asked Max, curious to see the change in Karen's face. Previously, she seemed unenthusiastic about this task, more apparently a burden so that even though she was silent, the stress in her mind seemed more obvious.

"Let's go there," Karen said.

Max was stunned as he heard Karen's remarks. "Going there?" Max made sure.

"Yes, there. I'll consult the Old Man, about your ideas," Karen said.

The Old Man Karen was referring to was a gun seller. It has a shop in an alley.

Max turned the car around because Karen had already said her wish. He also didn't want it until the assassination plan failed.

Max stopped the car near an alley. Karen, still in her after-workout clothes, got out of the car and walked leisurely. On the left and right sides of the narrow alley, there are only grocery stalls, and simple food stalls, with dim lighting. The road was a bit muddy, Karen's shoes had stepped on a small water hole. Her forehead wrinkled slightly seeing her shoes splashed with black water, the rest there was no reaction.

Now they are standing in front of a coffee shop. Karen stared at the green signboard with neon lights that said Namu.

"Old man Namu," Karen said in a low voice. She admired Namu's methods of disguising his business. The Old man opened a coffee shop, which if it is for coffee connoisseur customers, they will get delicious coffee made by their flagship barista. Especially for customers like Karen, however, they can order coffee and the extras, weapons to kill.

Max pushed open the glass door. Karen walked in freely while Max held the door for her. It was the action of a gentleman. Max will always maintain that attitude.

Karen approached the barista. "Americano and where is Old Man Namu?" she said ordering straightforwardly.

The barista looked at Karen. The two barista eyes behind the glasses looked at Karen with a cold look. The gaze itself can already represent the question, "What weapon do you want?"

"I want to talk to him first. Is he inside?" asked Karen indifferently. Max stood behind her in a ready gesture to add the argument that the bespectacled young man was acting more annoying than this.

"Americano one and you?" the young man looked at Max, asking his order.

"Americano," Max replied with his flat face.

"Okay, two americanos, for?" said the young man who was then followed by asking the name of the booker.

"Karen and Max from Hydra," Max said, relaying information that would make it easier for them to meet with Old Man Namu.

"Ok. Two americanos for Max and Karen, ready soon, please wait a minute," said the young man who then mentioned the price for their order americano. There are four other customers in the tavern. They briefly glanced at the arrival of Karen and Max. Only briefly. After seeing them at a glance, they were immediately out of the mood and were busy with their respective affairs. There is someone who is doing something with tabs. The other two people looked familiar and went back to chat. A person who looked like a female college student was reading a book.

Karen watched the female college student from her seat. The college student was wearing a hoody, boots, skinny jeans, and glasses. Karen's lips raised when she saw the woman's fingernails painted, they were black.

"Isn't she a dealer?" Karen whispered to Max. Max who was sitting with his back to the girl turned his head slightly to look at the one Karen was looking at.

"You're right," Max confirmed. His cursory observations had already made him know the woman because he had met her. He looked back, looking at Karen who was disinterested in the woman.

"Her name is Lisa. A well-known dealer who can sell a lot of drugs to college students. She's also part of Hydra," Max said.

Both of Karen's eyes narrowed. Cigarette smoke just poked out from the two men sitting behind Lisa. The cigarette smoke spread, filling the room.

"You rarely meet her. I'm pretty amazed you can recognize her as a dealer," Max said in a low voice but enough for Karen to hear.

Karen didn't immediately shriek.

"It felt like I knew from the way she rubbed her nose, her arm that had some signs of injections. She must be a wearer. Then, a girl who wears is in this tavern... that means she's not just a wearer," Karen said.

Max smiled. He knew Karen had observant eyes.

"You guessed right. She's a dealer and at the same time a wearer. A salesperson who tasted her product first. Old Man Namu's subscription is because she is also a gun user. Circulating drugs without self-defense ability is tantamount to suicide. She is also good at escaping from the apparatus. Good at disguising," Max unpacked a small portion of Lisa's secret with proud tone.

"Really?" Karen looked jealous. Max grinned.

Karen added in observing the girl who now only cares about her book. To the point that she didn't realize that someone was approaching them. It was the barista. The young man delivered the americano in a cardboard glass.

"Please," said the young man. The two glasses of hot americano cartons were accompanied by a note. Karen and Max read it in turn. After that, they walked together, leading to the toilet.


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