Chapter 7 : Lars' Decision

The next day, the sound of the door squeaked, shocking the young man was bowing his head. Lieutenant Clarissa found nothing unusual in the room, therefore she concluded Winkler was very obedient and believed he would be given a light sentence. Well, however, the person who knows the truth must need at least one witness or evidence to get a confession.

"Oh, I'm impressed you're not trying to escape. Have you given up on your life?"

Winkler knew he wasn't stupid. Trying to escape from the basement wasn't easy and he himself had no such experience. Right now, he firmly believes in Captain Lars' decision and denies it in moderation if something untrue is misused to punish him.

"I don't know. I think this room is very comfortable to rest in. Thanks for the little help but I'm not interested in living in this place I really hate." Winkler sneered, seemingly starting to get a little used to the atmosphere under pressure.

Climbing the steps slowly, Lieutenant Clarissa led him into the courtroom and every seat there was already occupied by those with important posts. They were instantly silent when Winkler arrived in the room and not a few of them talked about it secretly.

'It seems that my action invited the top-level policemen. Why are they so overkill solving the case?'

His every step was highly regarded and watched by them. Hearing the young man who was able to jump over the high-rise buildings, it was not something natural in their city. Even licensed wizards at least need a special spell and it can't be used in the long run.

Of course, they had already prepared weapons and magic equipment when Winkler tried to create a riot and refuted the captain's decision. Lieutenant Clarissa as one of the members he trusted, even quite rudely treated Winkler before them whereas before that she had hardly ever touched the young man.

"At first, we didn't consider your actions yesterday to be minor crimes, young man. Unfortunately, this morning I received a report from officers standing guard around Lieutenant Clarissa's house, if you have abilities we've never even found in this city."

"Whoever of them has special abilities or magic, must have registered their names in the documents we store in the hidden room. But your name, your face, your ability, your background... No one knows about you, boy. Do you want to be open so that this trial is over quickly and we can determine your sentence?"

'Gosh, this is beyond my expectation. I thought Captain Lars wouldn't ask that. Then how to answer now? Saying myself a professional basketball player is not something they can understand. I believe sports like football and basketball are just in my world.'

Winkler's eyes occasionally looked at Lieutenant Clarissa, signalling that he didn't know where to explain from, whereas he hadn't been around for a day in this world. But the woman looks indifferent and regards her as a stranger after only herself witnessed the physical changes Winkler experienced.

"Young man, are you scared of not being able to answer?" The white-haired old man asked softly.

Winkler could see the Major insignia on his uniform and he knew the post was one of the most respected ranks. Unlike the captain, he could feel a calming atmosphere even if it was only for a moment before the talks were returned to the leader of the assembly.

"Quickly tell me what you're hiding, boy. If you don't insist on keeping your mouth shut, then I will directly sentence you to death!"

"No, no, please. I was silent because I didn't know where to explain from. Lieutenant Clarissa was right if I was at her house at the time and admitted my mistake. But if Captain Lars asks me why I can jump high, it is indeed one of my abilities."

"If it is true, why is your ability not recorded in our file? Now I change the question, where did you come from, young man?"

"I'm not from this city. Even I don't know where I am myself. But obviously, I'm not a naughty young man or any other royal spy because I've never had a job offer in my life." Winkler chuckled at the end of the word. He plans to be proud of being a basketball player.

"I also don't know where I'm coming from because I've moved around a lot and never settled in one city." He had already thought of an answer before going to bed at night.

"If you haven't settled in one place, then you have a 'royal entry permit letter', right?"

"Royal entry permit letter?" Winkler is very unfamiliar with it.

"Royal entry permit letter. It is used when you enter the kingdom you are going to, and our kingdom also requires foreign adventurers to show the letter before entering this kingdom. Since you are not from our kingdom, at least you must have a letter or written proof if you are indeed an immigrant, right? Now, show us that."

Winkler took a sip of saliva. If in his world, the letter can be interpreted as a passport and is valid only in the previous world. So what if he came without preparing anything and was urged to explain his background and show him a letter he had never heard?

"I... I don't have that kind of thing, Captain. I..."

"Intruder! He is an intruder! Don't let the young man escape from here before he shows his true shape!" One of them provoked and resulted in the whole room pulling out their weapons and pointing them right at his brain, except for Captain Lars and Lieutenant Clarissa.

She who already knew this thing would happen sooner or later immediately shouted... "I brought it!" Instantly their gazes fell on Lieutenant Clarissa who was carrying a very clean and new parchment. "This is the license of the young man, captain. You can all confirm the authenticity of the document and it is recorded that there is the name of our kingdom on it."

The Captain took the parchment roughly and observed every corner and side. His eyes are already very well-trained and guarantee the quality of the parchment in his hand now is not a fake letter. "Why are you the one who brought this letter, Lieutenant? If not mistaken, this young man came with a naked body, right?"

Winkler squealed, looking at his expression, Lieutenant Clarissa tried to find a reasonable answer in a very short time.

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