On Their Way
“Well are ye ready lad?” He said watching Caspian who was now looking down at the field.

“Umm..where’s Ally?” He asked turning to Nikolas.

“Did she not say her farewells to ye last night lad? Did ye forget?” He responded walking over to the edge.

“No, she didn’t say a word to me she wouldn’t be joinin us. She only asked how I was feelin and what would be the first thing I be doing when I can fly. There was nothin else.” Caspian said looking over at the castle.

“I be not sure why she didn’t give her farewells then. She plans on waitin around for them to send her back, I’m sorry lad. She did say she will be missin ye though.” Nikolas relayed the words, not understanding why Ally didn’t say goodbye to Caspian.

“I be figurin as much, she be nothing but a selfish devil, best she be goin back soon.” Hagthoria commented while she eavesdropped on their conversation.

“Hush, old woman. She has a right to be wantin to return home, we cannot blame her for that.” Nikolas said, glancing
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