Seasons Change

As Wulf pulled up to the school, he couldn't help but smile.

"Right, today's the day..." He whispered.

Danny, please watch over each of my kids and ensure that they all make it to graduation... He thought to himself.


As he entered the classroom, he noticed an envelope of exam results.

"Oh, boy..." He whispered.

"Seems somebody lacks some faith after all..."

Wulf spun around, met by Rouge.

"Hey," she waved.

"Just wanted to congratulate you; seems you make a pretty great teacher after all," she smiled.

"A-ah, thanks..." Wulf chuckled nervously.

"Anyway, I'd better get going; congrats again," Rouge smiled, giving a wave as she left.

"A sincere smile...?" Wulf whispered to himself.


Reading through the results, Wulf's eyes widened.

"They did it..." he whispered in astonishment.

"They really did it...!" He cried.

"Did what?" A voice called out.


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