Chapter 22

One month after the Elven attack, Urkse and Cin prepared to fly back to the Citadel. Cin’s torso was bandaged in a sash.

He bowed deeply to the thankful Islanders. Cin felt sick seeing their praise and thanks. He couldn’t bear to look at the destruction he had left behind.

The ashen tree line and the groans of disfigured Islanders, haunted him. Urkse entered into his Draken state, leaving the Islanders in awe.

As Cin and the others leapt onto Urkse’s back, he noticed a young child standing on the cliff edge, staring off to the west.

Yamada gazed over the edge, the Maelstrom crashing under him. His knuckles white, with his nails digging deep into his palm. Kahu cautiously approached him.

“Yamada, come and have some lunch.” She said warmly reaching her arm out to pat his shoulder.

He spun around swatting her arm away. Yamada’s slit amber eyes made her freeze in terror. He started to run around the edge of the Yamata’s main island. Yamada struck every tree and rock he passed.

Kahu sat wi
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