070 – The One with Raylin of the Fifth Accord

Raylin looked down upon Dalis with his gaze held firm, he could sense that the bloodlust had vanished from Dalis’s mind.

But even so he held his aura firm and spoke, “I once promised you that I would do everything in my power to hold of the corrosion of the energy, and in exchanged I asked that you act with honour and integrity,”

“Tell me Dalis, does killing an innocent man honour the promise you have made?” he asked with a stern tone.

Dalis gritted his teeth, under Raylin’s otherworldly aura he felt like he would completely lose himself, but at the same time he felt anger, anger at Raylin for calling that bastard of an Enforcer innocent, none of these people here were innocent.

Through his anger he managed to find his courage, “You call that bastard innocent,” he swore at Raylin, using all his will power to keep his mind firm, “Do you even realise what’s going to happen when I hand in my schedule and it isn’t signed,”

“I’m dangling over hot water as things stand, and all those l
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