The event at the arena has been the talk of many individuals both in the camp and outside the camp.

Other candidates are now looking at Faul like he is a monster. The candidates were discussing amongst themselves the event that took place, how they fought and how well they did but one individual was just staring at Faul wondering what sort of a being he is.

"Look Faul, you know Harry has been looking at you for a long time now. It looks like you have a new lover." Phil teased faul

Harry walked over to Faul and sat beside him placing his sword right between him and Faul.

"Faul I know we have our differences but we can leave it all behind us," Harry said waiting to hear Faul's reply.

"I have no issue with anyone who doesn't have anything against me.", Faul replied with a straight face.

"So we are friends then?”. Harry asked stretching out his hand for a handshake.

Faul looked at the stretched hand for some time before shaking it.

"Yeah... Friends then”.", Faul replied.

The sudd
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