Mysterious Deaths


A month later.........

I walked to class nervously, not knowing what awaited me. I was terribly nervous because that was my first day of school after the incident that happened months ago.

Getting to the car, I clenched my hands tightly on my bag, shut my eyes and took in a deep breath. How I will be addressed all depends on my first entry. Deep inside, I knew my life would never remain the same again once I walked through that door to take a seat. But then, at the same time, I was silently wishing for things not to change.

I will possibly face the eyes of revenge and anger. Who knows? Since it was a waste of time stalling at the door, I made up my mind and quickly rushed into the class in one go.

The moment I got in, the class was all rowdy, and when they noticed someone was in, they all turned towards my direction all at once. What I saw next almost took the breath out of my chest.

The class suddenly went dead, instantly. The eyes of the students all dropped immediate
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