Chapter 217: A true Demon's Demise!

Chapter 217: A true Demon's Demise!

The inn owner crawled towards a table and used that table to get on his feet. He was now thoroughly scared of Elder Kali and her team.

He limped forward and Elder Kali followed him, with the rest following closely behind her.

They exited the inn room and approached an adjoining building linked together by a walkway.

The walkway stretched from the inn straight to the next building and on either side of the walkway were large vessels filled with purple colored wine with a sweet aroma.

Zain who was the last of the group in the queue discovered that the customers were also following from behind.

Almost fifteen people made up of both genders were struggling to push through the inn. They were all curious to find out if they had been drinking themselves to death as Marabel had said.

Elder Kali was led to a small room. In that room, the slug was tied up with rubber rope restraints and two big rubber tubes were connected to four small teats on its chest.

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